Thursday, October 30, 2008

Self Portrait....

The other night Porter took a toilet paper roll out of the garbage and decided it would be a wonderful canvas for a drawing of himself. I have so enjoyed watching Porter grow and seeing his coloring and drawing evolve. It is amazing how he can wirte his name, know that he needs eye, nose, and a mouth, and I especially love the hair he drew. It is so fun to see how people look to him, especially himself.


Coil Fam said...

I seriously am dying to get to OH. I can't stand it. I can't decide what I love the most in these pictures, Porter's gorgeous eyes with the long eyelashes or his LIPS. We are going to have so much fun when I get there.

andrea said...

He is so cute! I love the picture he drew...did he learn to use a toilet paper roll from our trophies!!?

I hope he is doing ok tonight, I'll see you in the morning, but we are worried! Let me know when you know what's going on for sure.