Friday, October 17, 2008

Oh Deer....

So tonight Porter and I were headed out to play in the back yard for a minute and as I stepped out the door I heard a noise. I looked up and saw two deer standing right next to our swing set. The deer turned their whole bodies and took a couple of steps closer to me. I wondered for a minute if they were going to walk up to us, they were so close. Porter had quick and quite running skills and got the camera and we were able to get a few shots. When I took the pictures, the noise of the camera scared them and they started to walk away, when a third deer started to run into our yard!! So much fun! We saw them last night too, thanks to Carlee's good eye, they were in the front yard eating my hydrangea's, big ol' stinkers they are, but still beautiful and fun to see.


Okie Bloxhams said...

Oh my gosh!! too cool. that would be neat. that's great you were able to get the camera in time.

Shellie said...

Oh my! A zoo in your own backyard! That is so neat. I love reading your blog! Cute stuff!

Lauralee said...

That is so crazy. I always wonder where they come from? You don't see them walking down the streets! I love that their is so much wild life--right there.

Coil Fam said...

Great picture! I can't wait to give Tessa a kiss myself.

The Perks of Life! said...

Since I can't comment on your new blog picture, I'm commenting here. Love it! So cute. And I love you guys! Oh and about the deer, you should send that picture in to Snapshot of the week contest. It's not too often you see a deer in the swing set of your backyard!