Sunday, October 26, 2008

The music in me....

Tonight was a weird night in our house. Things have just been off for us with Andy doing his internal medicine rotation, something I cannot describe well. I feel like everyday just passes, I don't know what we do, but we are always doing something.

After dinner tonight I was messing around with our blog and asked Andy if there was any music that he would like me to add to the playlist. This conversation turned into an hour of listening to music. Fast songs, slow songs, the kids were running around the table, sitting on our laps, we were just all listening to the music, it was great.

I just felt like sharing with everyone how important music is to me. I think back on my life and I cannot imagine it without music. Being an only child and living most of my yougner years with a single parent, I spent a lot of time in my room playing by myself. I was alone, but I always had my radio. I listened to everything from KISN to KOST to KROQ (I cannot believe I remember that).

Listening to music tonight made me think about the music that has made who I am today. I think that music helps me to say what I can't. I added a song tonight called Breathe by Angels and Airwaves that is so how I feel about Andy. With him being gone so much I am able to tell him to listen to it and hopefully he will get the point that I love him so much.

When I here Chirstopher Cross I think about my mom, Old Man by Neil Young makes me think about my dad, U2 is sooooo Andy, Sarah is Julie, church hymns are Kay Lee, Aubrey is Black Eyed Peas, La La has it all especially the Boots with the Fur, D Britney and Dixie, Blink and 311: Starkey (great Park City memories), Janet reminds me of Summer, the list goes on. Music literally moves me. It has the ability to make me feel sad or so pumped that I feel like I can run 8 miles an hour on the treadmill.

For all of you who don't know about Pandora, it is a web site where you can listen to music for free, they have everything and you can create as many radio stations as you like. To check it out click here. Thank you Devin for introducing me to it, I love it.

I feel like I am a very open-minded person when it comes to music, so if anyone has any favorites I would love to know about it. I think one of my favorite things about peoples blogs is the music. It is interesting to hear what people have added to their play list and I think it shows how they are feeling.

I know this is a weird post, but tonight, the music was in me, I just had to share.


Shellie said...

Thanks Shay! Lately I've been reading everyones's blog's through google reader because it is so much faster for keeping up on who has new posts so I've missed new pics and music a lot on everyone's blogs. It saves a ton of time though. I get what you're saying about music and I listened to your new song! Thanks for sharing! P.S. We missed you last night at the party!

andrea said...

I thought you were going to do a post on High School Musical...and I was scared. But I hear you on the loving music thing. You should try Regina Spektor, Adele, Vampire Weekend, Lights, Death cab for cutie, decemberists, aqualung, and the postal service. In high school I was way into Jimmy eat world...not so much anymore but I still love their album "Clarity." It is beautiful.

That Neil Young song, "Old Man" totally reminds me of my dad too! So funny. But the real heart breaking dad song for me is Cat Stevens, "Father and Son." (or daugher!) I honestly cry every time I hear that song.

andrea said...

Oh and Phantom Planet and Whitest boy alive.....and when you want more I've got it....obsessed.

Jennifer said...

I totally get what you are saying. I absolutely love music that I can relate to at that moment. My husband doesn't like to listen to anything but his music so it's hard for me that way so I just listen to my ipod. But I am totally the same way about how music can make me feel and I love it. I love all the feelings that come and go with music and how it reminds you of good memories, childhood memories, etc. I'm so glad you brought this up and to know that other people get the same thing that I do out of something that I love too! :)

Summer said...

Okay, so when I think of Shay I totally think of music. Michael Jackson, Janet, but mostly Stevie Nicks, the entire City of Angels soundtrack, and for some reason Practical Magic, maybe because Stevie is in there too. Thanks for the post, I loved it, and loved the memories and reminiscing.

Summer said...

Hello, how did I forget Sara?!?!?!?

Mike and Em said...

What a good post. I have to agree with you on the music thing. I love music. When I think of Shay and music this song comes to my head. I goes a little something like this. "Hey Santa, Hey santa, santa." Shhhh, don't tell mike or Andy, they might get mad. ;) Good times, good times!

Shannon said...

It's interesting you are blogging about music b/c I have that on my "to-do" list of things to blog about. I just finished listening to Michael Ballam's book on tape called Music and the Mind. So good! Today I started listening to Christmas music - which always puts me in a good mood! I love Christmas time when the whole world sings songs about Christ! If only they would remember him on the other 364 days!