Monday, September 29, 2008

Stocking Stuffer....

I had a friend suggest that I should post a few things about toys on my blog. For some reason I know a lot about the toys that we have purchased for Porter and Carlee. Money has always been tight for us, so when we buy something it has to be good and it has to last. So tonight when I was giving the kids a bath I decided to act on my friends suggestion and share one of my favorite stocking stuffer ideas with all of you.

When Porter and Carlee take a bath one of their favorite things to do is to put on their goggles and become "scuba divers". I think every kid should have a pair of goggles for the bath. Who says you have to be in swimming lessons to have goggles, no one!! The great thing about them is that they are cheap (you can probably find them on clearance at Target right now because it is the end of summer), they are fun for the tub, and they fit great in the stocking.

So there you have it, my first toy suggestion. Now that fall is fast approaching us and so is the wonderful holiday season, I will try to post more of my favorite toys. Happy shopping!!


andrea said...

Yea! I am glad you posted about this! I never even thought of goggles in the bath :) Good idea.

The Perks of Life! said...

You are a great shopper! And Caleb thinks P & C have way FUN toys! We still talk about the bow and arrow you guys made for Porter. So you got me thinking, who's going to go shopping with me the day after thanksgiving? I vote you fly out here so we can go get our 5 dollar movies, good prices on Cricket equipment, and hot cholcolate at 4 in the morning. Oh and you could even talk to crazy old men who wake up early to go buy star wars figures. I know you want to! And most of all, I could finally hold and see Tessa! Last thing, did I mention I MISS you?!

Ross & Stacie said...

Adorable picture of the kiddos!! We miss you guys.

Tiffany said...

I love googles in the tub! Carston likes to wear snorkling stuff, he looks so nerdy. I am obsessed with bath toys. My kids could stay in the tub for hours, and I can get some reading done! I am currently trying to get all my Christmas shopping done, it is such a pain! Maybe I can have everything wrapped before baby comes?