Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new

For my birthday in July Kay Lee bought me two hydrangea plants and I loved them so much we went and bought another one and we also got another tree thing called a rosebud azalea, to go in between the hydrangea's. We planted all of the plants in the front of our house which used to have these horrible holly bushes that were pokie and grew out of control. Andy pulled the holly bushes out and planted the new tree thing.

For those who don't know much about azalea's or hydrangea's: hydrangea's change color according to the acidity in the soil. The plant that Kay Lee first got for me was bright purple and is now changing to pink (I think). Azalea's just look like a tree but they bloom pink rose-like flowers in the spring that I am so excited to see.
This is the first plant I have that is changing to pink.
The other plant that I got in July that just bloomed the flower on the top and the little green flower towards the bottom of the picture is what is looks like right before they flower.

This is my brand new hydragea with a bright blue flower.

The colors of the flowers are so beautiful!!

The azalea bush is in the middle of this picture.


Tiffany said...

Hydragea's are so beautiful they are one of my faves, but we don't have any, what the heck? They also dry so well. It is just training my kids not to pick them. It seems like you guys are loving your new house! I am amazed at all you do with 3 kids, I hope I am that productive. It is a lot of work making childhood wonderful, and you are doing great!

Mike and Em said...

Hey Shay! It was good to talk to you tonight. Sorry I had to go. I had been waiting all day for that Dr. to call. Anyhow. I love the pics of your beautiful flowers! That parks sounds like so much fun. You are pretty good to take 5 kids to the park! I love the chub on Tessa. What a cutie.

Shay said...

Em, just to clarify, Andrea, my friends and the mom of the other two kids, was there also. There is no way that I would take 5 kids to the park by myself!! It was good to talk to you to.