Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Little Girls Bonding

A couple of days ago Andrea stopped by with the kids and Andrea and I were sitting on the couch when it suddenly became quite. Everyone with kids knows that when it becomes quite is when you should start getting concerned. A few minutes later Andy walked into the room and I asked him if he knew what Carlee and Cambria were doing, he just laughed, so I took that as him knowing and they were fine. Again, a few minutes later he walked into the room and handed the camera to Andrea and I to see what the girls were doing. Here is what I saw......... Yes, they had colored all over each other. It was on their backs, necks, faces, arms, hands, and even inside their bellybuttons and ears!! I just wonder what the conversation was between them while this was happening. This coloring incident reminds me of a few years ago in Maine when Porter and his friend Miaja colored on eachother.
Maybe coloring on a friend is a childhood requirement these days and I just missed the memo.


Coil Fam said...

I was thinking yesterday that I probably should paint over Carlee's art work on my bedroom door. Then again, maybe I should leave it. It is such a fun reminder of our year together. Thanks for keeping the blog updated. It is fun to look at everyday and see what has been going on in OH. Tell Carlee I think she is beautiful, even with marker all over her.

Love, grandma

Tiffany said...

How funny, just don't let them into a tattoo parlor. The pictures of Tessa's photo shoot are darling, she is changing so much. I hope Porter is loving school! He looks so handsome and big!

Mike and Em said...

I love the pics of porter at school. He is turning into quite the handsome young man. Tessa is getting so big and yummy! I would have to agree with the marker and it being a childhood requirement to color on yourself. I remember a pic of Caden and his couz coloring all over the walls. Good times!

Okie Bloxhams said...

Gracie colors herself all the time but so far no one else. furniture,walls etc too.
they sure did a lot of work didn't they!!too funny