Thursday, September 11, 2008

Brush and Floss, Brush and Floss

This morning Porter and Carlee had a dentist appointment, it was Carlee's first time, so we were really excited. We went to a pediatric office in Avon that was totally amazing, I could not believe the waiting room. It had a huge television for the kids to watch, a puzzle table, rocking horse, touch screen games for toddlers, and seperate room with four tv's hooked up to video games!! Hello, what makes people think that kids need this while they wait to see the dentist. Anyway, the crazy thing about their appointments today is this new test called the CariScreen 1 minute test. This new test detects the level of decay-causing bacterias in the mouth. They just have a long cotton swab thing and rub it on the tooth, put it in a tube with a water solution, and then bam, you get a magic number. Here is the number scale: 1-1500 low, 1501-3500 moderate, 3501-9999 high. Porter's number was in the 700's, yea!! Carlee's number was 5000, so the doctor did the test again, with a new cotton because she did not believe it. Carlee's second number 4500!!! Hello, this just shows again how completley different Porter and Carlee are. Andy and I have concluded that Porter will have my teeth with few cavities, and poor Carlee has Andy's teeth and is just doomed. This is what Porter and Carlee were watching when they were in the chairs, a nice flat screen tv.
Carlee with Dr. Ramirez after Carlee was all done. They have all the kids take pictures with the dentist and then give them a picture frame magnet to put on the fridge.

Porter with the dentist after his cleaning. You can tell from his face that he was not so sure about the sticky flouride treatment that was painted on his teeth. Carlee after she chose her Nemo fish toy that swims in the tub.Porter and Carlee finding what they got in their take home bag. This is in the waiting room where they were escorted by the assistant while I stayed back in the room and talked with the dentist. Oh, another thing that I like about this experience was that the dentist cleaned the kids teeth, not the assistant. We have had that in the past where the assistant cleans, and then the dentist just comes to check over. Overall we had a great experience and the kids are looking forward to going to the dentist again.

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