Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The prize....

What could be more rewarding than a Dairy Queen ice cream cake and some Guitar Hero, well I guess I could think of a few things. But, for now, it works. This was Devin's prize for naming the blog. We got a coupon in the mail from our local Diary Queen for a free ice cream cake, so we cashed it in and paid just a little extra for a larger Butterfinger cake, which totally works out because ice cream cake just happens to be one of Devin's favorite things.

The cake that reads "Thanks Devinator" (he calls me Shayzerbeam so I had to think of something to call him)

The kids going nuts waiting for a piece of the cake (look at Cambria's tongue!)

The kids looking so adorable.

Break me off a piece of that!!

Devin, Dave, and Andy jamming to Guitar Hero, I love Andy's rocker face.

Our chubbo fell asleep while Andy was on drums.
Devin busting up at some of the great singing that was going on.

More jam action, Devin is singing and playing guitar.

Overall we had a great night of laughing, food, music, crafts, and friendship..........perfect.


Coil Fam said...

It looks like Cam is going to pounce on that cake any minute, so cute! On the other hand, "cute" is not the word I would use to describe the all boy band in the other picture. I'm kind of glad I wasn't there to see it. Ha!

Leymaster Family said...

DANG! Looks like I missed a good night. Thanks strep!