Friday, January 9, 2009

It really does snow in Cleveland....

I will probably be kicking myself for saying that, but we were beginning to wonder if it ever snowed here. We have had a few skiffs, but nothing worth putting on all of the snow gear for. Yesterday the kids were so excited for the snow and it gave me a chance to reminisce about when I was little and would visit Utah and I would just hope for the snow, it always made things seem magical.

The kids had a great time being outside, running around, Andy pushed them on the swings, and when it was all over, they came inside to warm tomato soup, grilled cheese, and hot chocolate. YUM!

I love when they love on each other like this.

Carlee throwing a snowball at me.

Porter trying to lick the snow off of his jacket.

Sooooo happy!!

Carlee making a road in the snow.


Coil Fam said...

Hey, Porter and Carlee, did you find two snowflakes exactly alike? Did you build a snowman? Did your dad tell you about the time he tried to lick the snow off of a metal pole? It looks like you had a fun day.

The Orgill Family said...

Hey Shay,

this is Rachel Farrell Orgill from utah!!!!!!! I was so excited to find your blog, and see your cute family.

I just started out own little family blog. It's
I'd love to hear from you.


Shannon said...

great snow pics! love the one of carlee throwing the snowball!

danilawson said...

Oh how I wish I was there with you and your sweet family. We could send Samantha, Porter and Carlee out in the snow with Andy while you and I stay inside with our sweet babys talking about all the latest gossip. I miss you so much. Please come home and see us. Much love.

Leymaster Family said...

Did you really not think it snowed here? Are you looking outside right now?...

Lauralee said...

so true! I am so glad for some snow finally. What a great time. I can't wait for Caleb to be old enough to really love the snow like that.