Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What went down for Halloween....

I love Halloween, it is one of my favorite holidays. I love the decorations, pumpkins, and the season, oh how I love the change of the seasons. This year we had Minnie Mouse, Cinderella, and Peter Pan (Marin was supposed to be a cat, but she never wore her costume). Our Halloween week was really fun, we had a trunk or treat at our church and the kids got so much candy there it was insane. It was neat to see how everyone decorated their cars, one family transformed their whole van into a shark it was pretty sweet (good job G-becks). Then Thursday Carlee had a really fun Halloween party with her pre-school group, Friday we got two sweet Halloween cards in the mail (thanks Units and Aunt Carrie), Saturday we went to the library for a Harry Potter party, then immediately headed to "The Bird" for a scavenger hunt. Sunday was an odd day for Halloween to fall on, but it worked out. We went to church, came home and carved pumpkins, and then off for trick or treating. Marin and I stayed home because it was so cold and very windy. All in all it was a blast and we are already talking about what next years costumes are going to be.

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Leymaster Family said...

So great! I didn't realize you were doing a co-op this year. Who is in it? So fun! Ellie loved Peter, Cinderella and Minnie. Disney theme?

Coil Fam said...

Love the Peter Pan costume! Carlee and Tessa May are darling too. Marin looks so alert in that picture. I can't figure out who she looks like...maybe Carlee? Don't know for sure, because she seems to change every time I see her. I'm glad you had a fun Halloween. One more and you can trick-or-treat at my house and be a part of the party at Mike and Erin's house.

andrea said...

So cute! I love the Minnie one, so fancy! She'll have to come visit and go to Dland in it.... :) EIGHT DAYS MY FRIEND.

Summer said...

We are SO ALIKE - we must be friends!! Ashlyn was Minnie too!!! It was a different costume, but that is SO FUNNY!! Great minds think alike! Looks like a lot of fun, as always you always seem to outdo yourself (in a good way) Miss you!

The Perks of Life! said...

Looks like tons of fun! Love the costumes, every one of them. Love Tessa as Minnie Mouse, sooo cute. Love Carlee's fancy hair and lipstick. Love Porter's grin.