Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thumb Suckin' and other things....

So it is official, I have the cutest and sweetest baby ever. I can say with great confidence that Marin is a thumb-sucker. Andy and I are in such shock about how much sleep we get in the night. She is sleeping through the night every night. I wake up in the mornings with that "is she still breathing" fear. Other Marin news, she is laughing at us all of the time, even when I am not trying to make her laugh, she will let out the cutest giggle. Marin is talking up a storm and still has most of her hair. She is not as well nourished as Tessa was, but she still has plenty of roll action that I love poking with my finger.

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Around the house/family news....things are good. Tessa is officially potty trained and doing so well. I am glad that I finally committed to that, it was time, and will save us money in the long run. Andy is on day 20 of work in a row. This Sunday will be his first day off. Somehow he managed to squeeze in a little leaf raking with the kids last week. Most of our time spent with Dad is right before bed, right as I get them in the PJ's and settled is when he seems to walk through the door and jack them up. Oh well, he is the best Dad ever and he loves them.

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I was also busy with a fun visit from my friend Andrea, she flew from California to see one of our friends Ally. It was great to see her and have her be with the kids and she got to meet Marin! The cutest thing was when Porter saved his good behavior tickets and turned them in to bring Andrea as his show and tell at school. No other kid in the class has saved that many tickets to redeem such a big prize.

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Yeah, we have been busy and now I am just trying to get back to the swing of things. I have done a couple of family photo shoots, which I will post later. I just cannot believe how quickly Thanksgiving is approaching. I am looking forward to Andy being home, spending the day with friends, and seeing Tangled. I love this time of year when we are forced to think about all the things we are grateful for, it really helps to put things into perspective.


Summer said...

Man, these pictures make me miss you guys so much more! I keep thinking it was about this time last year I got to see you, and I still have yet to meet Marin :( I am so jealous of the potty training situation. I cannot get Ash to poop in the toilet, I don't know what more I can do. You always seem to get your kids potty trained so young, jealous! Love you and miss you!!!

Jill said...

i love those pictures of tessa. yay for marin for sleeping through the night. you are great mom. grateful we're friends.

andrea said...

I am still sad from saying bye. It is always so hard to leave you & Andy & the kids. Especially when the kids loved me so much!!! I felt so lucky :) The kids ate their rock candy lollipops today & are sending you all big hugs and thank-yous! I love you!