Sunday, August 24, 2008

Recycling, Painting, Laughing

Our week started off with a fun family home evening night with some good discussion about recycling. Thanks to some friendly influnece and the new trend of going green, we thought we would give it a try. The kids enjoyed talking about the earth and different things we could recycle. Porter even figured out what litering was when he talked about people throwing their "smoke" on the ground.
After making a fun recycling box out of a diaper box that was going to go in the trash, we headed to Malley's for some ice cream with Devin, Andrea, Cam, and Andin. Carlee loves Andrea, she is always wanting to sit by her or with her. In this picture Carlee is on her lap, but neither of them wanted their picture taken.
Here are Porter and Carlee putting their recycling knowledge into motion. One morning when I was getting ready, Porter came running by me into the kitchen. A few moments later he returned and was so proud when he told me that he had recycled his diaper from the night. I felt so bad when I told him that we did not out diapers in the recycle box, but we could recycle it by using it again because it was dry!So, I am offically an adult and home owner. I went to Home Depot and picked out paint to paint Tessa's room all by myself. I almost broke down and called Kay Lee to ask about finish and what kind of roller to get, but I did it! That does not mean that I didn't stare at all of the rollers and different sizes of brushes for about 20 minutes, there are too many options if you ask me.Here is a picture of Carlee with her "you won't let me paint" face, so I gave in.
Look at these super cute letters!!! Thanks to Anne and Andrea I learned how to make these. I was just going to do a "T" for Tessa's room, but then I decided to do her whole name. I also made one for my sister-in-law Danielle who is having a little boy in a few weeks!! It was so cute, but I forgot to take a picture of it beofre I mailed it off.
I feel like the luckiest mom in the world. Porter, Carlee, and Tessa are so cute and entertaining. Tessa is really starting to smile so we are always trying to get the best smile picture. It is incredible how seeing her smile makes my heart melt.

This is the kids this morning as we were walking out the door to church. Porter loves Tessa May so much, his favorite thing is to hold her and Carlee aslways has to be touching her head. Holy Cow!!! They bring us such joy.


andrea said...

Cute kids!! I love the way the letters look up on the wall! I am very glad Anne learned how to make those in Nashville... they are the best gift! I love the recycling bin...I am so very proud :)

Mike and Em said...

Shay, or should I call you Martha? Look how good you are! I love the letters. Those are too cute. Good job on the recycling thing. We are getting into it also. How did you make those letters? Do tell. Love ya!

Jennifer said...

You guys have such a cute family! I love it. Shay, you need to be in more pictures :) Sounds like Ohio is fun! Rexburg is great, the first time we drove on a bridge over the snake beautiful, I totally thought of you guys! I miss you, but glad we can keep up through this fun project! Love Ya, Jen

The Hawkins said...

Hi Shay! You sure do a lot for someone who just had a baby- you are amazing! Sounds like you guys are doing great. busy with your new home? You have a beautiful baby girl and a beautiful family! Hope you guys are doing well. Lots of new friends? I want a fire pit! Those marshmallows look good!

Leymaster Family said...

Love the lettering, it turned out so cute!! I have a new craft idea stirring!

Summer said...

Those letters are so cute, you have to tell me how you did them. Is Tessa's room pink and purple? I coudln't tell, but it looked really cute. You are such a busy body, my poor kids never get to do anything fun, maybe we just need to move out of Utah, sounds like there is lots more fun things to do out of state!