Sunday, August 10, 2008

Having so much FUN!!!

I am really enjoying this blogging thing, it is a lot of fun to look at all of the pictures that we have every few days and see how much fun we are having. So this week when Tessa woke up in the middle of the night, 4:00 a.m. to be exact, I totally busted her sucking her thumb. It was so cute that I had to get up and get the camera to take her picture. Andy has been working so much lately, long shifts, and a lot of time and gas spent commuting. When he is here though he spends so much time playing with the kids. Lately their favorite thing to play is "boppy monster hide and seek". It is so funny to see Andy run around with a pink boppy pillow on his head. I love to hear the kids laugh.

Yesterday was saturday and we filled it with a lot of fun. We went to a co-ed baby shower for our new friends the Leymaster's at Rocky River Park. It was a lot of fun. I love those kind of get together's where you just get to chill and hang out with everyone. The kids especially had a great time with the park toys and the pinata. I asked Andy how long he thought the kids would run around and play if we just sat there for hours. I wish I had their energy sometimes. After the park we came home and hung out and played with the kids. Andy spent a little time pulling weeds from the back yard, the weeds here in Ohio are amazing. Sometimes it is very hard for me to tell what is a weed and what is a plant. Then we had some friends come over to use the new fire pit that some of Andy's siblings bought for him for graduation. While we were roasting marshmallows we had the typical Ohio/living near the lake storm and had to come inside for games. The storms here are amazing, they blow in so fast, you can tell by the dark thick, quick moving clouds that you are in trouble. But they are beautiful and so much fun. By the end of the night, the kids were exhausted and so was I.


andrea said...

That was a fun day! I still am thinking about that resses peanut butter cup s'more. That was AMAZING! Thanks for having us all over :)

Okie Bloxhams said...

I love your blog! I love your family picture at the top. that is really awesome!! we miss you guys. we wish we could've seen you at graduation!!!

Mike and Em said...

Shay, Tessa is so beautiful! I can't believe how she has grown. That pic of Andy is too funny with the boppy on his head. Good times!