Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Peanut is popping....

So the other day Andy and I were talking in the living room, (which that in itself should be a blog post, us together in a room communicating, HELLO!) when Marin crawled from his side of the room to mine. That is normal, she has been getting around quite well doing her mermaid crawl as I call it, but the shocker was that she pulled herself up on her toy. I saw her do it and I saw her playing with her toy, but it didn't hit me until Andy stopped talking and asked me if I realized what had happened. For some reason in my mind he had stood her up, even though I saw her do it herself.

Anyway, Marin is getting so big, everyday she is doing more and more, babbling more, going up and down the stairs more, demanding me to hold her more, and I just can't believe it. She is 10 months now and the thoughts of her first birthday party are occasionally crossing my mind.

6-16-2011 002

6-16-2011 003

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6-16-2011 008

Oh man, she is a cutie.


Coil Fam said...

Absolutely perfect little angel! Oh my gosh, she is so cute!!!! I tried to steal a picture and put it on my blog, but do to the actions of mean people in the past, it is copyrighted and I couldn't do it. I think she has changed more than any of the other kiddos since I was there last time. Her hair is definitely looking blonder. It makes me want to come today just so I can squeeze those cheeks.

andrea said...

I can't believe how big she is! Her Birthday!!??? AHH! She is so darling.