Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Dream is a Wish....

Carlee has been working for months on her dance for the big recital and it is finally done and over, and she rocked it. The dance world is so different from anything I ever have experienced, it's the hair, shoes, tutu's, makeup, curls, costumes, glitter, etc. I am not used to that, but I think we did okay and Carlee looked so cute.

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Here she is before the show.

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The backstage chaos and hanging with her friends.

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Post show with her friend Adalynn.

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The family

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Porter is always taking care of Marin.

6-12-2011 032
Me and my Carlee girl.

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Daddy and his little girl. She was so proud of her trophy.

6-12-2011 038
A kiss for Dad to say thanks for the flowers. She is always asking for the flowers at Costco when we are there.

This is the only video I have of the dance

1 comment:

The Lovinger's said...

So, im stalking your whole blog tonight since Grant went to bed at 6:30!!- yeah, no naps will do that... Anyway, that pic of her kissing Andy's cheek is SOOO cute! Cameron said it makes him want to have a little girl (: