Saturday, March 12, 2011

No more storms please....

A few weeks ago we had a terrible snow, rain, and ice storm that left us without power for two days. It was a little scary but we made it through no problem. I spent the day at a friends house, drove around with the kids, and once Andy got off work, it gave us an excuse to go out to dinner since I was un-able to cook. We had to spend the night at a firends because our house was just too cold without heat. The morning after the storm was over was just beautiful, the trees were glistening.

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Just a few days after that storm, we had another storm which caused the districts to call a snow day and Porter was able to stay home. Andy was also home that morning so we took the kids to the rec center to swim. They had so much fun swimming with their friends and dad. That afternoon Porter and Carlee were so exhausted, I found them passed out down in the basement. I couldn't believe it, they never take naps and to find them both asleep was so funny!

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And in other news, Bee Bouncers is offically done for the season, no more until next fall. It was a great run and experience for Porter, I cannot believe how good he has become, I am so pround of him.

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