Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Big Day for Marin....

Last Friday (the 18th) Marin had a busy day which involved getting a haircut, folding laundry, and being in the swing for her first time. So yes, I finally caved to the pressures around me to cut her hair. Andy was pretty set on Marin getting a trim so I got out the scissors. The first cut was pretty traumatic for me, I thought it was so much hair, but Andy just laughed at me telling me I needed to cut more "here and here and here!" I think the end result is good and I am satisfied with my mad hair cutting skills, but I still have a weak spot in my heart for that long baby hair in her eyes.

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After her haircut was done, it was time for me to get busy with the laundry. Normally I can set Marin on the bed with me to fold and she will just sit there and play. Well, not anymore, she has had one too many lessons on being a rascal from her big sis Tessa. I only left the room for a moment and I could hear Marin laughing to herself. When I returned I found this....

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She is such a funny baby. She had pulled Porter's pile and the towels onto herself. Andy was outside working on the fence so to distract Marin I put her in the swing. It was finally warm enough for her to be outside so I had to take advantage.

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Erin said...

What a cutie!! I love thinking of the night a couple of weeks ago when she was lying on her back and looking at me upside down (does that make any sense, you know what i'm talking about). She just makes me melt! Cute haircut too!

andrea said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I want to eat her up. I miss you :(

Lauralee said...

That is a big day! When I saw the first picture of her hair cut I though oh no! But you really didn't do that much, and it does look good. What a sweetie!How did she like the swing?