Saturday, March 12, 2011

A great Grandma Great...

On February 26, 2011 Marie Covey Bush passed and left this earth to go and be with her Heavenly Father and her honey Carl. We knew that the day would come when we would no longer have Grandma Great with us, we just didn't know it would come so suddenly. She had been going down hill slowly, but always seemed to bounce out of it, but when Grandma fell it was just too much for her, and she couldn't recover. I didn't get to say "goodbye" to her, but every time I talked to her on the phone I made sure to tell her I loved her so much, even if her response was a chuckle and an "okay". She meant so much to me and to my kids.

When I think about Grandma, I think about the front porch, talking, The Bachelor, fast food, deviled eggs, teasing, games (Rummikub and Skip Bo), books (we shared so many books), sewing (she spent hours trying to teach me how to make Yo Yo's), ice cream shakes from DQ, and the van.

During the time that Andy and I lived in Utah with Grandma she and I shared many hours together. There were many months where Andy was gone for interviews and rotations and I felt so alone. I can't even count how many times I went into Grandma's room and just layed on her bed and talked with her. She made me feel better every time, and she would always talk me through it. Grandma knew what it was like to feel alone, she missed Grandpa Bush so much and she would tell me stories of their time together and of the farm in Kansas.

I could go on and on about what a wonderful woman she was, but I will keep those memories in my heart to treasure. I will be forever grateful to Grandma for the love and support she showed for Andy, myself, and our children.

I love you Grandma Great and I wish so badly that I could watch the Bachelor season finale with you on Monday (I am pretty sure he picks Emily!)

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Grandma

7-1-09UT 049

7-1-09UT 025





The Perks of Life! said...

Love it Shay! Beautifully said. Being that my bedroom was right next to Grandma's my entire H.S. career, I share similar memeories so I loved reading this. I took her being there for granted and would give anything to go back to those days even for just one minute. (Like my mom's post said.)

We were all hoping and praying constantly that GG would bounce out of it again... cuz well, like you said, she always did. It was hard to come to the realization that she was slipping away. Loosing a Grandma, even when she's 87 years old, is hard. Grandma Great was a special person and touched all of our lives for the better. I keep waiting for her to call and talk about the Bacholor too. Yesterday I was at my parents and walked up the stairs. For a small moment I had the natural instinct to walk down the hall and open her door to say hi, expecting her to be rocking in her chair working on her latest project. It still catches me off guard that she's gone. We'll miss her so much. I don't think anyone else in the entire world could/ would ever be as great of a grandma as her. And I mean that from the bottom most sincere part of my heart. Love you GG!

Coil Fam said...

Well said, Shay. I know she cherished those times she spent with you as well. Remember making her stay downstairs while you and I painted her room and then decorated it as a surprise for her. I remember she cried, she was so excited. She talked often about Carlee and Max laying on her floor and how sweet Carlee was to Max. She talked about Porter and how she loved teasing him, so he would grin and his dimple would show. We all feel an emptiness that I realize will never be filled by anyone else, but I also feel comforted that she is in heaven watching over all of us. If anyone can make us feel better about something, it was her. Our worries were her worries, our cheer was hers. All love ever given to her came back 10 fold. Thank you for this sweet post. Love you more.

The Coombs Family said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandma Shay. I was just thinking of you and hoping that you guys were doing well. We sure love you guys and think of you often.