Friday, February 26, 2010

It's official, I'm a wanna be Cowgirl, and other things

Recently I was so grateful to receive a package in the mail from a long time friend who lives in Texas. In the package was something that I have wanted for a while, but would never buy for myself, a little book called the Pioneer Woman Cooks . I have read this woman's blog for a while, I came across it accidentally and have loved it. I love looking at her photos and hearing her take on living the simple life that is really not all that simple. (Thank you so much Stacey for the box, the kids loved their clothes and I the cookbook, we miss you guys.)

For those who know us well, know that Andy is a wanna be cowboy (today he left the house wearing a suit, cowboy hat, and cowboy boots to celebrate his last weekend on Internal Medicine). I have always teased him for his dreams of wanting a ranch, horses, a pond, his own creek for fishing, cows, ducks for Carlee and Tessa, a little dog named Scurvy for Porter, four wheelers, belt buckles, and Wranglers, but in all reality I have always admired this dream and love him more for having it.

So after reading the Pioneer Woman blog/website, and now reading her cookbook, seeing movies like a River Runs through it and The Horse Whisperer I am making it official that I too am a wanna be cowgirl, and maybe one day I too can be an accidental country girl.

Moving on to the next thing I want to share, it is a little something called the Buried Life. This is a show on MTV unlike any others. It is a little something like The Bucket List, four guys fresh out of college are traveling the country crossing off things from their 'before I die list", and helping other people accomplish their own bucket list items. Andy and I have been watching for a few episodes and love it, I never thought a show on MTV could be touching, but I have been touched in watching this show. It is fun, funny, exciting, and motivating. Click here to see/read more about what the show is and if you have 20 minutes, watch an episode, I don't think you will be disappointed.


Ross & Stacie said...

I have faith that you can be an accidental country girl!! I bet Andy loves reading that confession. Hey, just tell him that was his gift from the box, and that I really didn't forget about him. Love and miss you guys.

Erin said...

I think you guys would make an adorable cowboy/girl family. How fun would it be to have pet ducks? I agree, how can you not watch the horse wisperer and a river runs through it and not want to just escape to Montana.

The Perks of Life! said...

This was such a fun post to read! You would make a good cowgirl mom. I am totally cool with you guys buying and creating a ranch somewhere off in the country. I would love to visit a place like that. Carlee's accent and the way Porter looks when he puts on his boots... they would make the perfect cowboy and cowgirl. And I love the show about the "bucket lists". I just did a lesson about bucket lists and tim mcgraw's song "live like you are dying" and my student's loved the lesson. If I only I could show mtv in the classroom... :) miss you.s

andrea said...

Haha she does make it look glamorous doesn't she. I just found her blog recently too after many mormon friends talking about it a lot. I can totally see you guys living that life. I got a taste of it every summer when I was little, because my Grandparents owned a dairy farm in Idaho. I got to feed the calves, ride horses, roll hay, drink non homogenized milk, all that good stuff.

andrea said...

This one looks cute too, I've been eying it after seeing their blog.

My dream is to live somewhere like Solvang, off the coast in the country but still on the beach!! You in?

Chris and Aubrey said...

I hope that one day you and Andy can achieve those goals. Andy and cowboy boots go hand in hand. He reminds me of Grandpa and how much I miss him and his boots. Love you guys.

Coil Fam said...

It's funny how I grew up in the country, surrounded by men in cowboy boots. The first thing I did when I married Matthew was threw out his cowboy boots. Now I love it when he wears them. My perspective is always evolving and that's a good thing. It means I am learning what's important. Great job with the blog. It made me smile to think of Andy all dressed his boots.

Lauralee said...

ah, why wait until you have a farm in the country? Let's get out the boots! But someday I can really see you guys out on a ranch :)