Sunday, February 14, 2010

Harry Porter (Potter) Birthday....

Yesterday we celebrated Porter's 6th birthday. His party was originally supposed to be on his b-day on January 30th, but that is when I was in Utah so we re-scheduled. We had a great party here for him. We started out with the sorting ceremony and thanks to my friend Debbie, we had a real sorting hat and I was able to give the kids their own robes, oh and Andy made some awesome wands that everyone got too. Andy rigged the hat with our walkie talkies so when one of the kids put the hat on, it would talk to them and tell them which class they were in! It was a brilliant idea, they had no idea (Porter later in the evening discovered the taped in walkie talkie). After the sorting ceremony we all cut out and made our own Harry Potter glasses, although the template was a little strange so all of the kids had one black eye and one white, it was funny, but classic for memories. Once everyone looked like Harry Potter we went to the living room for a special magic show. Our friend Mark is into magic and agreed to come over and do some things for us, it was great, there was even fire involved!! You can't do a party without a cake so, that was next, followed up with some gift opening. All in all it turned out very well. Everyone that he invited was able to come and it was fun to have more boys his age in our house.

I can't believe that Porter is six already, where does the time go. I still think often of his first birthday party in Maine where we had no family there just great friends (miss you Coombs and Sanders). Porter is such a great kid, we have drug him everywhere, all over the country, and he just goes with the flow, I am so lucky to have him in my life as my son.

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andrea said...

HAHAHAH! I love it! What a creative and fun party ;) You did a great job on the cake, it seriously made me laugh out loud because it is so cute. I have never had the honor of seeing Mark in action, so you'll have to fill me in! We miss and love you guys tons.

The Perks of Life! said...

Shay you rock with the whole party thing. I sure hope you live a lot closer to me by the time I get to start throwing bday parties. Six years old! I can't believe it either. Porter is the cutest, smartest, happiest, and nicest six year old I know. Happy birthday to him! Wish we could've been there.

Chris and Aubrey said...

So much fum. Love the cake. I am glad you were able to be there for the party.

Lauralee said...

What a fun party. I meant to ask you yesterday how it turned out-it looks like it was great. I love the sorting hat idea-that is awesome! That is one cute cake too.

Erin said...

Porter is such a great kid. We love him to death! You did an amazing job on the party. How original! I love how much you get into it, it always turns out fabulous. Happy Birthday Porter, we love you!

Leymaster Family said...