Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Debbie Downer....

So I was on the phone with my mother-in-law complaining about my life and apologized for being a Debbie Downer and realized how perfect that name fit me right now. Things have been hard for me lately. I loved having the opportunity to go to Utah to be with my family for the funeral, it was amazing, and I loved being able to spend some time with Andy's family, but overall I was emotionally overwhelmed. I had a few moments in Utah when I just needed to cry, between one grandpa passing and my other grandma needing to be watched over, it was just a lot to take in in such a short period of time. To top that all off, Tessa got the lovely gift of croup from the not so lovely air of Utah. The night before we left she was barking and I knew. To this day, one week later we are still dealing with her fever, cough, and now a yucky green booger nose. Oh, and I came home and started the throwing up at night thing again thanks to baby number 4.

I feel like I cannot get a break. I am a women of routine and when it gets disrupted I fall apart. I am trying to make the climb back up, but it is hard. I am an adult, mother, and wife, but I feel like I need someone to come in and tell me what to do.

On another note, I miss Andy, he has been working such long hours, leaving at 6 am and not coming home until 7 p.m. everyday. It just gets old. I hate residency and there are times when I would give anything to go back to med school, where he had the summers off and we spent our days on the beach.

For the rest of the week we have a primary activity tonight for the kids (should be fun for them and an hour break for me), Tessa shot appt. in the morning (if her fever goes away), I work in the library at Porter's school tomorrow (may have to cancel that again, Porter misses me there though), Porter's Valentine party at school Friday that I am in charge of, and Porter's Harry Potter b-day party that was supposed to be on his b-day on Janruary 30th but I was gone.

So there you have it, me in a nutshell right now. I guess the only thing I can do is the best I can, which I don't know what my best is right now. And I would like to thank my friends here in Ohio who have called and offered to help, it means a lot to me.

For now, some pictures from the funeral.

Grandpa Bills funeral 1-30-2010

Nana and Tessa

Dad and Tessa

Robbins family

*Some thoughts on the funeral. It was hard, I think all funerals are hard. But I feel that the hardest part is seeing the people that you love so much be so sad and knowing the only thing you can do is hug them and let you know you love them. It is amazing to me how everything happens for a reason. My Dad met Julie, they got married, she had an had wonderful family and parents, her father baptized me, eventually I met Andy, got married, had kids, and here I am. There is more to it, but you get what I am saying. I love how life is a story and how all of our stories are different and how we all have our own "that happened for a reason" moments.


Lauralee said...

I think routines keep us all sane. But when it's not working give yourself a break-you're still doing lots of good things:) Recognize those too! You really are amazing!

Shellie said...

We'll pray for you Shay... this too shall pass. I know here in Utah winter lasts way too long and I get feeling hopeless at times too. But then one day the sun shines bright and I remember all I have to be thankful for. And hey, by the way, congrats on #4 coming! That's great news! I'm still not ready yet... maybe someday soon though. Take care of yourself. Love you!

Erin said...

We all feel overwhelmed now and then and lately you have been overloaded with the unexpected. I think you have handled everything that has come your way fantastic. I don't think that you are a "Debbie Downer". Thats what we have freinds and family for, to share our life with, the good, the great and the sometimes not so great.

The Coombs Family said...

So sorry that you are going through such a hard time. I wish I could have you and the kids over and together our kids could destroy the house while we chatted. Somehow things always seemed better after our chats. I guess that's what good friends do for ya. Love ya Shay.

Mike and Em said...

Shay, I am so sorry that life is so hard right now, but I promise, that things will get better. You have a lot on your plate right now. Isn't great to know what we know, that we will be with our loved ones again. I am thinking about you alot. I am so glad that I was able to see you before I left. Stay strong. I love you!

Chris and Aubrey said...

I will get better from here. Your kids are adorable and love you dearly. You have a husband who may be gone a lot right now but in the long run he will be home more than most husbands will be. Baby number 4 is a blessing that Heavenly Father knows you need. This baby will be your rock. We love you and pray for you and your darling fam. Love ya.

Summer said...

You can be my Debbie Downer anyday. I wish so badly that I lived closer. This post makes me want to drive to Ohio tonight and just stay for awhile. Kennadi's off track next week, I can do it right? I wish!! I so badly wish there was something I could do for you. Please feel free to call me, ANYTIME. I know what it's like to have your husband gone a lot, so we can cry on each other's shoulder. I love you and think of you so much. Hope Tessa is feeling better.

andrea said...

I know you are having a hard is so stressful, and you are sick, and your kids are sick! And you can hardly stand the fact that I'm not there....these things are hard! haha (no..seriously.) But know that I love you and that there is a warm sunny place waiting for you to visit!!! Kiss the babies for me! All four of them.

The Perks of Life! said...

:( I'm sorry shay. It's so hard when you live so far away because I just want to come over and make dinner for you, give you a hug, and play some good old ttr. I know being in utah was an emotional roller coaster for you but it was so good to see you. Death is such a weird and hard thing. When I was little I used to think that it was so weird that people got really sad when old people died. But now that I am older I realize death never becomes easier and no matter how old your dad or grandpa is when they pass away, it's hard. I'm sorry about your Grandma Pat. She is in my prayers. I hope everyone is feeling better soon! Go eat some chocolate and give your kids a hug. I'm sure it will help. I love you!