Monday, September 21, 2009

I'm in....

Today I received my acceptance letter from Cleveland State University. I have always wanted to finish school, but had to put things on hold while Andy finished medical school, and have 3 children. Now we are settled (sort of) for the next three years and I think it is time. I applied about a month ago and have been anxiously awaiting and today was the day!! I know it is kind of silly how excited I am but it means a lot to me, and I am proud of myself for saying I was going to do it and actually doing it. I have an interview at the Department of Education on Thursday morning. Wish me luck.

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Unknown said...

So awesome! I'm so proud and impressed. I knew you could do it. Any thoughts on a major? What's the interview for?

Way to go you!

Jill said...

Shay! I didn't even know! I'm really proud of you!

Unknown said...

Oh, and Carlee's dress and hair are just too cute!

Coil Fam said...

Quite an accomplishment already...I mean, setting this HUGE, awesome goal and taking the first big step. So many of us talk about doing it, but never really follow through. I'm proud of you and happy for Porter, Carlee and Tessa May that they have such an awesome mom. You are setting a wonderful example. Way to go! THREE MORE DAYS!!!!!

andrea said...

Again....(like the 6th time) so proud of you! Carlee's dress is so cute...did someone make that? Anyway congrats and we'll celebrate shortly :)

Grace said...

Way to go wonder woman!! I am very impressed and I know you'll do great!

Mike and Em said...

Yeah! I am so proud of you Shay! That is totally awesome. Good luck with school. I look up to you for doing this. Some day I would like to do the same.

Unknown said...

That is so great! What are you going to major in? I still remember you memorizing for your ?? some sort of health class. Sclara, yeah no idea how to spell it but I hope you remember. The white part of the eye. Want to go on a cruise in Februaryish??

Okie Bloxhams said...

I am proud of you, I keep thinking of going to school but have no idea what I want to do.... you are awesome!!

The Coombs Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS SHAY!!! I am so excited for you! You'll do awesome. (This better not get in the way of our families getting together or I just might have to write a note to your "teacher"!) Seriously, your awesome! Good-luck!