Friday, July 3, 2009

We're seeing PINK

Carlee got her cast on on Wednesday and of course she chose pink, just like last time. She has been a great sport through all of this, she amazes me more each day. It is so sad to see her scoot around and crawl through the house, but it works. I wish she would ask me for help more often, but she doesn't. We go back to the ortho on August 14th, so until then we will have to find new things to do besides swimming at the pool. Going through all of this is weird.

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There are times when I feel like it is not hard at all because I know what to do, but then there are times when I feel so overwhelmed, but luckily we have some great friends here to help take care of us.

Yesterday my friend stopped by because she had heard about Carlee, and I know she must have died when she walked in my house and saw how dirty it was, suitcases still out, games, toys, and even food on the floor. I was so embarrassed, but there really had been no time for me to just get to work. 30 minutes after she left there was another knock on the door. It was her again and this time she brought a few of her kids. Within five minutes, Luke was mowing my lawn, Jack was pulling weeds, Meghan was playing Candyland with Carlee (and even took her to the library later), and Kim had cleaned my kitchen. During the time they were here I was able to go to the store and get some groceries which allowed us to have dinner that night.

I am so grateful for people like that in my life. I don't know how I would have made it through yesterday without that surprise visit, so thank you Kevesdy family. To read more about the Kevesdy family click here.


Lauralee said...

Oh no! Shay you are one of the most amazing people I know. seriously. So much going on all at once. Hang in there!

The Perks of Life! said...

oh man. seeing that makes me so sad for miss carlee. it still blows me away that she broke her leg. that cast is so long you can't even see her cute toenails! but i think the pink cast is a fashion statement itself. we saw starkey and his cute fam, and also emily and mike this weekend... they all expressed their concern. everyone just feels so bad for car and you! we love you a lot and keep you in our thoughts and prayers. we miss you already and hope you plan another trip soon!

D said...

Hey miss Carlee Marie, I am so sorry you broke your leg AGAIN :( I can't even believe it. We miss you guys and are looking forward to the next BIG visit. Maybe we will come to your home and play on your swing set and roast s'mores on your fire pit.

rachel said...

What? I can't believe that sad story. I didn't know you were in town...did you run the centerville 5k? Poor little carlee...she's so brave!