Sunday, July 12, 2009

This Past Week....

I feel so behind on the blog (silly even though it has only been a week since my last post), but it's true. I have just been trying to stay on top of the laundry, house work, and keeping Carlee happy. She got a wonderful surprise package from AZ (thanks Andrea, that was so sweet). We spent a few days at the pool which was so fun. Carlee is so patient. I just pulled a little chair next to the baby pool and gave her some toys to play with. She was a little demanding at times, but can you blame her.

The biggest thing of the week was Porter learning how to ride his bike. It was so fast, he was ready. The funniest thing about it is how he would get off. When he was done riding he would go back home to the lawn and just dump to the side, so cute. Andy took him across the street to the library parking lot while I was cleaning up dinner. I walked out 20 minutes later and that was that. He wanted to show me so I went over with him and I was running along with him holding on to the back of his shirt, all the while he is yelling at me to let go and that he can do it all by himself, but I just couldn't do it. As the yelling continued, my grip became looser and eventually I watched him ride away. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

Today Andy is at work so I did the church thing by myself. Then we came home and had Roman noodles for lunch (healthy I know, it's time to go to the store) and we have spent the rest of the day outside in the sandbox and on the swing set. Andy created the sandbox area for us. We used to have a huge tree where the sandbox now is and while I was in Utah Andy tore it down, it looks great.

Oh yeah, Porter today did something I could not believe. I went inside for all of 5 minutes to lay Tessa down. As I am covering her with her blanket I could hear a man's voice, but I just thought they had turned on a movie or something. Then I heard Porter ask this person to get them some pretzels. So I quickly walk down the hall to the kitchen to find our next door neighbor who we call Grandpa John in my house!! Apparently while I was laying Chub down Porter went next door and asked him to carry Carlee into the house so that she didn't have to crawl across the grass. He said he didn't want to ask me because he didn't want to wake up Tessa. So sweet, but still not okay.

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Coil Fam said...

Oooh, the picture of Carlee crawling on the porch is a killer. Bless her heart:( I can't believe how tough she is. Most adults would never leave bed, but she is up and going, or should I say down and scooting. Love the pictures of the sandbox and Porteron the bike. I really appreciate that Grandpa John is there in case you really need him and that Porter feels comfortable enough to know John will do what he can to help. Not quite halfway with the cast, but getting you, me

andrea said...

How cool is that sand area! You guys are making all kinds of improvements :) Just getting ready for us in October right? I went into that restaurant today...I'll call you tomorrow it was so funny. I even got hit on and asked if I wanted a margarita by these random boys outside. haha.

So glad Carlee loved the package, we tried our hardest to think of some fun things to keep her busy. We miss you guys and love ya tons!

Jessie Gold Price said...

Poor Carlee! Shay, I miss you and I'm sorry I wasn't able to come see you while you were in town! It was a crazy week getting ready for Africa and my sister coming into town. But I love you and your family and I hope things are going well for you!