Friday, June 19, 2009

I don't even know the date....

So many things have been happening since I have been here in Utah and we are having so much fun. Here are some pictures of what we have been up to.

The kids have loved being on the neighbors trampoline.

Playing in the front yard swing.

Grandma Great finished another yo-yo quilt.

Finding baby quail.

Visiting with Grandma Pat.

Going to the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house.

Porter's favorite part about the temple was the swimming pool where you get baptized.

Kay Lee and the kids and I in front of the new temple.

My dad and my kids.

Nana and Tessa.

The new biggest part of my life in finding my family history, that will come in a later post.

Playing with Grandma's hose.

Carlee running for her life.

Cameron checking himself out and giving himself kisses.

Tessa and her new tongue trick.

I feel like there are so many things I want to say about my trip and the things we have done and the things that I have learned in my short time here, but I don't know how to say it. I have learned how precious time really is. When I went to see my Grandma Pat she has aged in every way, and I asked myself where my Grandma was even though she was sitting in front of me the whole time. All of the cousins have changed, everyone is getting older, and becoming their own person, like 10 year old Madison who just makes her own lunch and does her own hair. Going to the temple made me realize even more how important families are. The whole time we were there my heart just ached for my dad to be there. He has said many times how he wanted to go in the temple to see what we do, and here was the opportunity for him to walk in any room of the temple he wanted and he was not able to come. It was neat for me to walk through with my children, nieces, and nephews, and know that one day they would be married there too. Seeing my dad and step-mom for 2 hours was another smack in the face of the reality of time. They were here moving her parents into an assisted living complex and only had a few hours to visit, but they got to see Porter, Carlee, and Tessa and I got to give them a hug and that is all that matters. Being here in Utah has given me the opportunity to go to Salt Lake City to the Family History Library and search more about my ancestors. I now know that my great great great grandfather came here from Russia and our last name used to be Kazatsky, HELLO!!!! It is so neat to know where I came from, it's about time. I am just so grateful to be here spending time with the people who I love and who mean so much to me. Without their love and support I don't know who I would be.

On another note, this is my 100th blog post. I will be sending a little surprise to those who comment on your own personal favorite post that I have posted. So comment and let me know what your favorite post is!!!!


Jennifer said...

Congratulations on the 100th post! I remember when you first started your blog you said you didn't know how well you would be able to keep it up and I think you have done a wonderful job of doing just that. I really enjoy looking at your page to see what you guys are up to, it makes me feel like we still live close. My personal favorite is the post about when your friend Andrea moved away and how you cried and she sent those sweet care packages. It just reminds me of how nice and important friendships, as well as family, is in our lives...Thanks!

Shellie said...

Shay, I don't have a favorite post... I just love them all! I don't comment very often, sorry, but that's because I read all my blogs through google reader and you can't really comment through there... but I do love keeping up with what you guys are doing! How long are you here in Utah for?

The Orgill Family said...

Wow 100 posts. I'm just a beginner. I'm so glad you have had such a wonderful visit here in Utah.

I have to say I think about you every time I drive up Shepard Lane past your Grandma's house.

I love your most recent post about your trip, the Temple Open House and your family history search. I wish I could have seen you while you were here!!!!

Leymaster Family said...

I am so glad you are having so much fn! You deserve it girl! Just remember we do have a race coming up, so don;t forget to train!

Massage, the Healing Journey said...

I don't know which blog is my favorite, just maybe all of them. I miss you Shay but I know one day we will see each other. I look forward to all the pics you have of your kids and hope one day Bob, Alyson, Bobby and I will be able to meet them.And your husband:). Congrates on your 100th blog ;D I look forward to them every week. Thanks for sharing! Sending you lots of love, Ginny