Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Break....

This year I was determined to do something fun every day for Spring Break. Mainly because we were not going anywhere and because Andy was working every day and I didn't want the kids to be missing him even more than they all ready do. We started off by going to Malley's, our home away from home, which was a great way to start the weekend. On Monday's here in the Cleve it is free zoo admission, so we headed to the zoo and met some friends there. It was perfect weather to walk around and see some animals. The new exhibit at the zoo is the elephants which the kids were super excited about.

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The kids and I by the elephants.

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They really are amazing animals, they look so friendly and sweet. It was so fun to see them eat they hay with their trunks and walk around.

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Sara and the boys.

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My stylin' Carlee girl. She insisted on wearing my sunglasses all day, too cute.

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I think this was my favorite animal for the day, the koala. He was so cute just sitting there on the tree in and out of sleep. I would have taken him home, but then I realized I already have 4 kids and a dog. Shoot. After the zoo, we went home had some down time, then Sara came over and we made homemade Raspberry ice cream, yum yum!

Other fun things we did this week...I took the kids swimming, play dates, Porter had basketball camp, and we went to Tower City in Cleveland. Tower City is not a big deal, it's actually quite dirty, and I found out it was a mall, I didn't know what I was expecting really. But it is more about riding the train downtown, eating McDonald's, and buying junk at the dollar store.

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Hillary and Grant
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 Best friends JP and Porter.

4-23-2012 008 Tessa and her mommy.

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Sisters.  I don't think they have ever been this happy to take a picture together before.

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Sara and Truman.

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Wes and Carlee.

4-23-2012 013 Grant and Marin were such a crack up. They showed no emotion and were just looking at each other. I think the train was a little scary to them.

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A view from the train. After we ate, we walked around for a bit. The kids were loving the fountain and were trying to take the money that other people ad already thrown in it.

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The crew of kids, which we have a lot of them between us.

4-23-2012 025 Grant and Marin looking at each other again.

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The kids and I. Love my crew.

4-23-2012 033 Sara, myself, and Hillary, not bad for a picture taken by Porter and I think it is funny we all have sunglasses on our heads.

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