Monday, April 9, 2012

The Easter Bunny has landed....

Easter this year was super fun. It started out a little crazy because Andy has been working so many nights, but we are always a good team and manage to pull it together. I ended up taking the kiddos to church by myself being that Andy had just gotten off the night shift, but it was still a wonderful sabbath day. I sung with our ward choir and I think it sounded great. I also had the opportunity to teach the lesson for Relief Society. Basically it was a great start to such a meaningful day. After church I called Andy to make sure that he was awake and that the Easter bunny had landed.....we received an all clear. The kids and I pulled up to a front yard full of eggs and fun stuff. The kids were freaking out running around like crazy, it's funny to me the level of excitement for some plastic eggs filled with jelly beans. Our Easter bunny this year was creative and organized and put eggs and baskets in the front yard for Marin and Tessa, and then put eggs and baskets in the back yard for Porter and Carlee.

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The girls looking at their goods. Side note-thanks to my friend Sarah Groesbeck my girls all had matching
dresses, thanks for letting us borrow them Sarah!

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My Tessa May, such a happy egg hunter.

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Marin had just woken up from a nap, so Andy had to help her at first, but it didn't take long for the peanut to figure it out.

4-23-2012 015 Forcing the kids to take a picture together. I love Marin's smile in this one, so funny, and I love how Porter was sneaky and took off his nice clothes.

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P-man finding his goods, we had a little basket confusion this year......I will make sure that doesn't happen next year. 

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Tessa playing with her stuff and rocking her new sunglasses.

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I love Marin's new shoes and her painted toe nails, too cute.

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Me and the girls, again, not really into taking a picture....

Later on in the day we went to a friends for Easter dinner and celebrated with a few other families, it was perfect. The kids played outside, had an Easter egg hunt, and Andy lost his iPhone, a day we will never forget.

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