Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween 2011........

I am going to sum all of the festivities in one big post, we just had too much going on. First it was getting a pumpkin, which we waited until the last minute due to Andy's work schedule. We ended up at Pickering Hill where we thought the wagon ride would be going, but that was not the case as it only runs on the weekends. We ended up walking to the curb and getting one that was already picked, not what we had in mind, but it works. We met our friends there and that was fun, they have a little boy named Grant who was born the same day as Marin, they are so funny together.

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Just hanging around the pre-picked pumpkins.

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Marin in the pumpkins.

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Tessa was so excited to have her picture taken with Marin.

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I love this picture. Tessa did not want anyone else in the picture with her and Marin. Her sad face is truly so sad.

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This girl loves her dad.

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I don't know that there is anything cuter that her dimple.

The next Halloween thing on the agenda was the school parade and parties the Friday before. I loved hearing all of the "Angry Bird" screaming in the hall, I know the kids felt cool.

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Carlee with her class. I love that her teacher dressed up to.

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My red angry bird.

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In Carlee's class I was in charge on one of the games, we did spider races made out of little pom poms.

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Pom Pom spider...I know it's scary.

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The black Angry Bird.

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I forced them to take a picture together.

Then on Sunday we carved pumpkins. That was fun letting the kids stay up late to do that. Tessa wasn't to into getting dirty though, I did most of the work, then she just wanted to lay in bed with me and look at the American Girl catalog. Andy did a great job helping the kids and he is so patient to let them choose any pattern they want.

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Can you guess which one is Tessa's? She loves that her name has a T in it.

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The gang, including the Molly.

Now onto Halloween....I love this holiday, dressing up and seeing all of the kids in their costumes is awesome. In regards to our costumes, I worked very hard on them and I am very proud of them, props to myself. The idea came from Porter wanting to be an Angry Bird. So after spending time on-line looking at where to buy one and realizing they were $50 a piece I said no way. He was pretty bummed. So the next step of course is to google angry bird tutorial.....and bam, there you have it. So after many trips to Jo-Anns and many coupons later, we ended up with an Angry Bird family that I couldn't have been happier about.

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The Angry Bird crew.

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Acting out the game.

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We invited the Lovingers over to trick or treat with us, and I was just dying over Grant in Porter's Dumbo costume, he is so cute!!

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My little blue bird with a messy face.

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Three birds.

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Two pigs.

Okay, so there we have it, all of Halloween in one big long photo explanation. Now it is on to the next holiday. Gobble Gobble! Oh and if you or anyone you know would like to buy and Angry bird family set of costumes, they are offically for sale!


Coil Fam said...

LOVE it ALL!!! but seriously...you want to sell those cute costumes??? When I think of the hours you had to put into them, including driving to Joanne's with 4 kids, I don't know how you begin to put a price on them. So cute, and of course next year you will be in a new town with a new school and the costumes will be new to everyone there, so maybe you hang on to them for 12 months? I agree, Tessa's sad face is the saddest ever, but when she's got a happy face it's the happiest ever, so I guess it balances out. 9 days and counting...

Leymaster Family said...

Love the costumes! And especially love your half mamrathon. WAY TO GO GIRL!!! You are looking so great!

Erin said...

Those costumes are amazing, you are AMAZING!! I love all of the pictures! Looks like Halloween was a great success.

Joni Hill said...

I agree with Coil Fam. Are you sure you want to sell them? I have kept all the costumes I have made over the years, and it has been so much fun to use and reuse them as we have moved and the new people have never seen them before. And as your kids get older they can wear your costumes...Kason and Shelby have done that (they come in handy also for dances, the Sadies dance here is always a costume dance and one year the whole group wore cosutmes that I had made. It was great, I only had to make 2 of them that year, the others wore ones I had made before.) and this year Nick wore the M&M costume that I made 20 plus years ago, before I even had kids. They do take room to store, which drives Trenton crazy. Anyway, enough of my ramblings. I love the costumes!!! You did a great job!

andrea said...

So cute!!! I love Halloween!!! Marin is just adorable btw.