Friday, July 1, 2011

Worth a visit, worth a lifetime....

We were so lucky to go on a vacation this last week and it was amazing! We left Thursday morning early and drove to Boston to visit our friends who used to live here in the Cleve. It was great to see them and see their new city life, and the kids had great fun seeing each other again, they just picked up where they left off.

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There were so many things we wanted to do and see in Boston, but because our time was limited, we got our priorities straight and headed straight to the American Girl doll store (wearing the matching dresses that Anne surprised us with when we got there). Something magical happens when you walk through the doors, doll lover or not, it takes you over. We spent over two hours in the store and also had an ice cream treat with the dolls.

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In front of the store, Carlee was so excited she said she had tears in her eyes.

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Checking out Kit's scooter and pup.

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Carlee and Ellie looking so cute, such great friends.

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Tessa giving Felicity some lemonade.

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Molly enjoying her lemonade.

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Carlee and her Molly doll.

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Tessa and her Felicity doll.

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All of us girls!!

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Marin was very verbal about her desire for some ice cream.

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Carlee was determined to get every last morsel.

I just can't say enough about how awesome the store was and all of the fun things we saw. We let the girls each choose one thing, Carlee chose this (which is very appropriate considering her two broken legs), and Tessa chose this which is so cute and is part of her upcoming birthday present! Oh, and we can't forget about the boys, while we were at the AG store, Andy took him and Hank to the Lego store and they got to choose one thing too!

That night we had Chinese take out from the Lobster Wok, played some Catan, and watched Modern Family. It was fun to just hang out and catch up. The next morning we loaded up again and made the hour and a half drive up to Maine. It was so exciting and strange to be back on the 95 freeway, passing exits that used to be part of my daily routine. We went over one of my favorite bridges and I remembered going on that bridge the first time with KayLee in the car thinking about how cool New England was.

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Here is the Biddeford exit. I was taking pictures of everything knowing that I would not be back there for a very long time. The Biddo is so dear to my heart, it was the beginning of so many things for me and our little family.

Our first stop in Maine was for lunch and we hit good ol' Skippers, it is not part of the chain. We always used to go their with Andy's parents and get crab cakes, clam chowder, and lobster rolls, so it was only appropriate. The kids loved the food and were so great to try Ellie's fried clams, YUM!

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I will miss you skippers.

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Porter and Hank, these two were great buds on the trip.

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Love this menu.

After Skippers we headed to the beach house and immediately hit the waves. The kids were crazy and got right in the water even though it was freezing cold. Tessa and Hank were a little skeptical at first, it was funny to see both of them standing at the top of the water yelling down to everyone. Finally I talked Tessa into coming down to the water with me and it is a time that I hope to never forget. We were holding hands and laughing and then I taught her the run away from the waves games. It was so fun to hear her scream with joy as the waves were almost getting her. But more than anything it was fun to be with Tessa watching her see something she had never seen before.

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The kids playing in the water.

We had many fun beach days and enjoyed our time just playing and being together, oh and we spent a few time in Freeport at the North Face outlet! It was so great to be in a beach house that was so close to the water, it made it easy to go potty, to make lunch, to have a nap, etc. On to the beach pictures.

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Hank the sand monster.

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Porter, Carlee, and Tessa (which she was a little hesitant about being buried), but got over it quickly.

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Tessa the sand monster, I love that Andy drew a "T" on her, that is something that she is so into right now, everything has to be a "T" (like spaghetti noodles, straws, etc.)

That night we ate a yummy dinner outside in the front yard and after we went to ice cream at one of the best places in Saco.

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The crew chowing down (also notice Andy's t-shirt, 5 bucks at the North Face store)

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Good ol' Garsides ice cream, the best!

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Love this picture of Ellie with her ice cream, she is so cute!!

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Group shot on the bench, I think it tastes good.

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Mommy and Tessa May, I love my sweet girl and her crazy curls.

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My cute family, I love Tessa's smile here.

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Leave it to Porter to find a tree to climb.

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Back to the beach.

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Andy was dead set on teaching the kids how to boogie board.

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Even Carlee got it!

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Porter was in heaven, and I just couldn't get over the fact that I have children old enough to boogie board by themselves!!

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He's such a handsome boy.

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Marin was so good about just chillin' on the towel, well for the first day. Then the second day she ventured out onto the sand. Anne said that she looked like a little sea turtle trying to get back to the water.

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This right here is why Andy is the best dad. Who else runs around with a purple bucket on their head pulling two little kids around. He was having just as much fun as Tessa and Hank.

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Hank was loving this.

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Carlee was always looking for treasures on the beach.

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Family fun pictures our last night. Thank you Anne for taking the pics!

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Funny faces.

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Just having fun.

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I love this one, even Marin is smiling!!

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This shot is so cute too!

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Anne with her cute kiddos Ellie and Hank.

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Hank loved the boogie board.

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Does it get much better than this?

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Just so pretty, oh, and Andy threw the frisbee at me.

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Also, on our last night we had to do s'mores, just like old times.

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Tessa was loving the marshmallows and of course it did not bother her that it was all over her face.

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Anne and Hank having a moment.

I really just cannot express how grateful I was to have the chance to get back to Maine. We have not been on a trip like this in forever and it was so great to get away and just do whatever we wanted. It was wonderful to see old friends again and to laugh and share stories. It was so, so, so wonderful to play with the kids everyday and not have to be part of the normal daily grind of cleaning your room, picking up, and doing dishes, we truly just enjoyed eachother. It was wonderful to remember when our family became a family and to remember where my testimony grew. It was fun to go back to Andy's med school and think about our time there when he graduated and being outside with Andy's mom and dad for the lobster bake. It was so great to think of the other families we used to spend time with on Kinney Shores at the 'waters of mormon". I really could go on and on, but what it comes down to is that there will always be a part of Maine in my heart. It is amazing how we were there for only two short years, but it impacted the rest of my life in a huge way. Thank you to Anne and Dave for a great week, and thank you to Andy for working so hard and giving our family the chance to make amazing memories!


Coil Fam said...

Where do o start? Oh the fun and magic of Maine! I see some great Christmas letter pictures k. This group. Someday I will go to the American girl store and have ice cream too. Wouldn't that be a fun favorite things!!!

Coil Fam said...

I commented from my phone, thus the typos.

Leymaster Family said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! We miss you already!

The Lovinger's said...

What a SUPER fun trip! You honestly made me tear up with all of your sentimental talk in there... Glad you got to go and have such an awesome time! -BUT, im glad you're back! (:

The Coombs Family said...

Beautiful! Can you believe how quickly the time has flown-by?!? Looks like you guys had a great time! Did you get to go to church there and say "hi" to the members? How fun!