Saturday, July 30, 2011

They got me, and oh, I am 30 now....

I am so lucky to have such great friends here in Ohio and I guess, kind of lucky that they surprised me big time for my 30th birthday. I honestly had no idea, I thought I was going to the baby shower that I helped plan. I showed up with my tray of recess bars and everything. Even at the end of the party I couldn't believe that we were still not doing the baby shower. Anyway, it was great fun with great ladies. They went with a kitchen theme, so everything I opened was a kitchen gift that had a recipe with it, the goal was for me to get 30 recipes. It was just so nice to have a ladies evening and to sit and chat.

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Here are my goodies from my party, so much fun stuff!

As far as my b-day went, it was great. I started the morning with a 5 mile run, I got going in the dark and was able to see the sun rise over the lake, it was great. When I got home, we took a trip to the blueberry farm. We picked so many big berries that were so yummy, but the heat beat us out that morning and we headed home. In the afternoon Andy and I went to see a movie and to Cheesecake factory for linner. That is where Andy gave my most surprising gift.....a manila envelope with two passport applications!! That is all I know for now, that we are going on a trip, don't know when or where. I am so excited and looking forward to more clues to come!

So the birthday was great, and it feels good to be 30. It is weird to look back and think about how many things happen in 30 years, my life has gone in so many different directions, and I am so happy with the path I am now. Thanks to everyone for the b-day wishes and packages, cards, etc., I had a great day thanks to all of you!

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