Friday, July 22, 2011

Tessa May is 3.......

I know I always say that I can't believe how fast the time goes by, but really it does. It feels like a few months ago that we moved into this house and I was about ready to pop, but really it was over 3 years ago!

Tessa had a great day, I tried so hard to make her feel like a super special girl. It started with me getting up at 5:30 a.m. (which is something my body does automatically with trying to beat the heat for my runs) and instead of running I stayed home to make her cake. Porter of course came down stairs not to long after me and he was so excited to help. We wrapped some presents in between cake steps and he even made her a map/scavenger hunt for her to find the present loot. Eventually the princess came down too and I had her help me with her cake.

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The gardener worked out in the yard for a bit and then I got everyone ready so we could get to Chuck E. Cheese. We wanted to go early so we could leave before lunch. Tessa has been asking for the longest time to go there and this was the perfect excuse for her, I couldn't say no any longer. After fun and games at Chuck your cheese we went to Chick Fil' A for lunch. The kids love it there, they have fun/clean toys and better food I think.

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Then we headed home for a short rest, then it was time for cake and presents. Tessa was so cute about her cake, she just loved it. She had been asking me for a rainbow cake, so I played around a bit, and this is what we came up with.

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The day ended with Andy taking the kids to Redbox and letting them pick a movie and he got them each slushies (we have the best slushies here). Andy found Tessa not to long after the movie started, asleep with her straw hanging out of her mouth. I think she had a great day.

When I think about Tessa I get a huge smile on my face and I shake my head. She is the cutest, funniest, most rascal three year girl ever. She has the most beautiful eyes and the best hair in the family. Last night she woke up in the night asking for a drink. She usually will go back up to her bed, but last night she asked to sleep with me and I just couldn't say no on the eve of her birthday. I had a hard time falling back to sleep after that. I just kept looking at how big she is now, and kept touching her face. Just as I was about to go off to dream land she rolled over and put her little arm around my neck and told me she loved me. Tears came to my eyes as I told her I loved her back. And I do I love that little girl so much and I am so grateful to be her mom.

Happy Birthday baby girl.


andrea said...

Aww what a sweet post. I always do that with my kids when they come into our bed, I am so emotional!! Devin and I read this together & we are super impressed at that cake! YUM! Sounds like a great day for a sweet amazing little girl, kiss her for us!

Leymaster Family said...

Happy Birthday Tessa Mae! We miss you!

Lauralee said...

What a great third birthday! That cake is awesome and so happy. I love it. Tessa does have the best hair. I'm glad it was good for her. Happy birthday tessa!!