Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chalkin' It Up to a Great Summer....

Our little peanut has discovered how much fun sidewalk chalk can be, although she is still learning that it is for the ground and not her mouth. Clearly from the pictures below it is one of her favorite things ever.

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Look how she in covered in chalk, look at her shirt!

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"No mom, I did not just eat chalk."

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I love to bite these toes.

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Marin is so proud of her ability to clap.

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She is just so cute!

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Her hand is always in the bucket reaching for more.

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And here is Miss Tessa May on her bike.

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And here is Carlee, always ready for a picture.

Moving on to the next fun thing about our summer is that we got to go to the Hill Cumorah Pageant last week. For some reason we thought it was further away than it really was and we ended up in Palmyra, New York just 4 1/2 hours later, it was great! We arrived just two hours before the show, it was perfect timing. They had some food vendors there and I enjoyed the chicken, slaw, rolls, and salt potatoes. It was fun picnicking on the huge hill, pretty amazing. The show started promptly at 9:15 and lasted about 1 hour and a half and we were pretty lucky to have seats in the very front. The show was nothing like I expected, there were lights, fire, water, and music!! They did a great job of bringing everything to life. I really am so grateful that we had the chance to go, I feel like it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, who knows where we will be next summer.

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Here is our front row spot.

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Andy and the girls with some of the cast.

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The setup at Hill Cumorah

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Carlee and some cast people.

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The costumes are all so great.

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The family.

So, in other fun stuff, Porter's baseball season has officially ended (one more things off the list). It was great and he did a wonderful job. They ended the season with a pizza pool party at the pool at night, Porter didn't get home until 10 p.m.!!

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Getting ready for a big hit.

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Serious swinging.

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Run, Porter, Run.....

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Here he is making a play.

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The team after the last game.

In other news, I hired a gardener, his name is Andy, and he is a very hard worker, oh wait, it's just my husband. He has been working so hard in the back yard, pulling out trees, pulling weeds, and as of right now, laying 6 cubic yards of mulch all over the place (and it happens to be the hottest day in 16 years here in the Cleve). The kids have been spending more time in the sand box than usual so they can be wherever their dad is, and the other day was Marin's first time in it. She only ate a little bit of sand, so it wasn't to bad. The only bad thing was when I brought her in to change her diaper and a ton of sand came out of her pants, add it on to the list of things I need to clean up.

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Kiddos in the sand.

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More evidence of sand eating.

Which speaking of cleaning up, Marin is at the "pull everything out" discovery stage. I happened to leave one of my dresser drawers a little open after putting laundry away, and she was right there and literally pulled everything out that I had in there. Not only did she pull it all out, she was so kind to spread it all over my room. Then she attacked Andy's medical books, then his dresser, and the next day she got into the kitchen towels, like I didn't have enough to do already. It's okay though, she is so cute and happy when she is making all of these discoveries, and it is fun to she her growing up and getting older.

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My little mess maker.

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She loves peek-a-boo

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Oh my happy girl.

I think that is it for this update. We are just hitting the pool everyday to stay cool and getting ready for birthday mania, we have 3 approaching fast!!! This will be interesting!

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