Friday, December 17, 2010

Grandma Roo Review....

I was so lucky and honored to have my Grandma Ruth come all the way from California to visit us. It was so wonderful to have her here and to spend time with us. The kids were so cute with her and they never gave Grandma a moment of peace or time to herself, they were always hugging her and following her around. Example, the night that I let the kids sleep on the floor of her room, I went in hours later to find Porter in bed with her! It was nice to be around her again and to hear her moans and groans, to laugh at her swearing, hug her whenever I wanted, but the best thing was that she was able to meet Tessa and Marin. Grandma Ruth was such a trooper and went along with no complaint. We took her to Costco, which was about a 2 hour trip but still so fun, we went to Bee Bouncers, we stayed up late and watched disappointing movies (I still have yet to see a really good movie since the Blind Side), we shopped JC Penny, she folded my laundry and watched UP with the kids, we ate at the Christmas breakfast at church, we went church (but then Tessa peed and I was having a moment and had to leave), we went to the Messiah performance which was awesome, and to Olive Garden (my grandma had never been there before...HELLO!) I think by the time her time here was up she was spent. I have to give Grandma Ruth all the credit in the world for coming here. She is 79 and has cancer, and even that cannot stop her. I can only hope to be as amazing as she is at that age.

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Saying goodbye to this woman was so much harder than I thought it would be. As soon as I got back in the car at the airport I just started to cry. I miss her so much already and I hope so badly that I can make it out to see her and the rest of the Cali crew this summer. Last but not least I would like to share one of my favorite moments of her time here.

We had just returned home from Costco and didn't have much time before we needed to go to Bee Bouncers and I still needed to feed Marin. I was rushing to put the groceries in the fridge/freezer, and when I do that I often throw away old leftovers and expired items. I had 6 eggs that were 6 days old and being that I had just bought 36 news eggs, I chucked the 6 old eggs into the garbage. Moments later I hear my Grandma gasp and yell "Shay, did you throw away these eggs???!!!" (You would have thought I threw a $100 bill in the garbage) I told her that they were expired and we just bought 36 new eggs, and I was in a hurry, so yes, I threw away the eggs. She then told me that we need to keep the eggs. I asked what we would do with the eggs, she replied "make some meringue". I laughed and asked her what I would do with the meringue and she told me I could eat it. (I am still laughing as I write this). Just what I wanted, some meringue.....uh, no. She also told me to fry them up or scramble them, or to hard boil them, don't the kids like hard boiled eggs??? To sum up the egg throwing away story, two days later we had 6 deviled eggs that were so delicious, I was wishing we had more.

Thank you Grandma Ruth for everything and for making such big sacrifices to come here. We will always be grateful for what you did and I will always treasure the memories that we made with our time together. I love you.


Coil Fam said...

I, too, am grateful Grandma Ruth was able to spend time with you and your family. I know she treasured that time and I hope your kids will always remember how special she is. Great pictures, especially of Carlee and Porter hugging her. Wonderful memories for all of you!

The Coombs Family said...

So glad to hear that your grandma got to come visit. I remember you telling me about her and I know how important she is to you. Sounded like a great time. I do have to say are still as photogenic as kill me! Have a great holiday!

andrea said...

I am so glad she came!! I thought of you taking her to the airport and wondered if it would be really hard. I know it was, but that is so precious that you got the time with her. She sounds so great & I wish I could meet her too! She is in California after all!! Love the pictures too!