Saturday, October 24, 2009


My friend Anne told me about this awesome raspberry farm where you pick your own. So we headed out there to get some berries to make jam with. It was such a neat place and it didn't hurt that we went on one the most beautiful days ever. They give you your own basket and assign you to your own field, and you can pick and eat as much as you like. By the time we left the place we had plenty of stained hands, faces, and clothes. That's a sign of a good time if you ask me.

Tessa loved the berries, it took me a long time to fill one of the green baskets.

Porter is looking so much older to me, where did my baby go?

Porter is so sweet to Tessa, he spent most of his time walking her around, yes she is now 15 months and not walking.

Andrea and Tessa.

Ellie, Cambria, and Carlee.

10-21-09 037
Carlee on the raspberry throne.

Of course Andy would do this with the gourds. Love him for this reason right here.


Okie Bloxhams said...

looks like fun! Tessa is getting so big! shad and chloe were both 17 month old walkers. no worries. :)

Erin said...

Yummy! I love the picture of Porter helping Tessa walk, too cute!