Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Best Day Ever....

You know you had a good day when at some point the kids are yelling with excitement "This is the BEST day EVER!!!!!". We had that recently. Andy was off for a few days, we were planning on going to KS, but decided last minute that we shouldn't, so on Saturday morning we woke up and just started doing stuff. The best thing about it all was that the kids had no idea what we were doing. Andy and I would just tell them okay, moving on, go pee, and let's go.

Our city was doing a Easter activity with games, eggs, crafts, etc. So we headed across the street for that. They were so excited when we got there and Carlee saw one of her good friends which made it even better for her. They of course got some candy and played games, but then the mood changed for Tessa when she saw the Easter Bunny walk into the room. She immediately was trying to hide.

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Carlee and Sophie

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Porter in the spinning thing, crazy kid.

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Carlee was the first one to get her picture taken with the bunny.

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Tessa doing a craft.

So we wrapped it up there and went to our next destination....

The dollar store. Andy let each of the kids choose one box of candy or candy item. Porter chose RUNTS, Carlee chose a giant lollipop, and Tessa chose Ring Pops, Andy chose some grape chewy candy and some Junior Mints for me. Next stop.....

Lunch. Subway for mom in the effort to be healthy and McDonalds for the kids and Dad. $5 for 20 chicken nuggets, you can't beat that. Next stop.....

The used book store. Porter chose a Flat Stanley book, Tessa a Felicity book, and Carlee chose a Molly book, all for $7, can't beat that either. Next stop....

The movie theatre to see HOP. A super cute movie about Easter, maybe a little too much for Tessa, but cute overall, I don't think I would buy it though. Oh, and Andy spilled all of his chewy purple candies, bummer. After this the kids were feeling that it was the end of the surprises, but little did they know that they have the coolest mom and dad in the world. Next stop....

the Lego store. Ohio just got it's first Lego store at a mall about 30 min away and it happened to open that day. Porter and Carlee were so excited to help build the R2D2 that would be going into the Lego store, they even got special certificates saying that they helped build R2. We waited in an hour long line to just get into the store which was terribly long, but we had gone this far, what was another hour. The kids immediately ran to the Ninjago stuff where Carlee located Nya, the only girl in the Ninjago collection. Tessa went home with a blue lego building board which she has spent many hours playing with.

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The whole R2 Lego.

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Following the how to build R2 instructions.

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Tessa waiting in the line with mom. Just as I told her not to hang on the rope line it started to fall over on her. It was so funny to see how much it surprised her.

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Marin was so good the whole day, this was her first nap.

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P and C with the beloved Ninjago.

Next stop....

home. It truly was a great day, one that we haven't had as a family in a long time, we really needed "fun" time. I went to bed with a big smile in my heart.

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