Friday, March 12, 2010

Ballet and a walk....

Carlee has started a ballet class at the local recreation center with a couple of her little friends. It is so cute and she loves getting dressed up in her "ballerina outfit" and having a bun. It is so neat because it is the first thing that she has been officially signed up for. She is getting so big!!

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Carlee, Ellie, and Piper

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Carlee showing her stuff.

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At the end of class they get to color and princess picture.

The weather has been wonderful this week, although we were stuck inside the first three days due to Porter's extreme case of croup. We hit the streets and went for a walk which was so wonderful to be outside and become one with the fresh air (just kidding). No, but really it was so nice to be out and feel the wind and too see the blue sky, it is making me so excited for the spring and summer. Bring it on!!!!!

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Tessa says "cheese" but is not associating that with a smile....clearly.

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Carlee needed a picture of her new braclet from Crazy 8 that I got for one dollar.
(D, you need to shop there, you would die)

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Tessa loved bringing me rocks and sticks, she is going to have a great summer.


D said...

Wow! Looks like you all are doing so great. I am so glad Carlee likes ballet, she is so adorable. And yes I love Crazy 8; I shop there all the time. That is where I got Logan’s outfit to come home in and a matching dress and shirt for Samantha and Cameron to do family pictures in. I love that store.

Lauralee said...

I thought you'd mentioned Ballet yesterday! That looks like lots of fun for Carlee-what a cutie!

Erin said...

How cute is Carlee in a Tu-tu!?! What fun for her to be able to do that with her friends. Cute bracelet! I have heard of Crazy 8,
now I am definatly going to check it out.

Mike and Em said...

Doesn't it feel so great to go outside after a long winter, and feel it starting to get warm? Nothing makes me happier. That is so fun that carlee is in ballet, what a cutie!

andrea said...

Oh they look so sweet in their little outfits :) How cute. I just signed Cambria up for a princess ballerina class through the city too. I am curious if she'll learn much but I know it will at least be fun! I have missed you this week! You poor thing dealing with Porter being so sick, and having to figure out what to eat every night! haha call me when you get a chance though. I am going to have to check out crazy eights more deeply because Cambria is completely growing out of her clothes!

orangeunique said...

Hannah started ballet, too. Looking at the picture of the other girls she is dissapointed that she doesn't get to wear a tutu.