Monday, December 14, 2009

It's a double....

My morning started out with one of these!!!!!!

12-14-09 053

I have never seen a double yolk in my whole 28 years of life. I think I have heard that is a sign of good luck, well that is what I am going to let myself think, I could use it right now, actually couldn't everyone in the world use some good luck. I know this sounds greedy, but if good luck could bring me anything, I would want it to bring me a winning lottery ticket. I know that the right thing to say would be that I hope it would bring me health and happiness, but seriously winning the lottery would be amazing!! Andy and I always talk about the things we would do with that kind of money whenever we see the 79 million dollar lottery sign, it makes for some good and interesting conversation.


Jessie Gold Price said...

I have kind of an inside joke about the double yolk thing. You should ask Lars. :) Love you Shay! Hope your double yolk does bring you good luck!

Erin said...

I saw a double yoke for the first time just a couple of months ago too. It is a pretty exciting thing:) Good luck with your lotto ticket!

Chris and Aubrey said...

Could it be a sign of things to come? Never seen one but that was neat. As for the lottery Chris and I have those discussions and we would be somewhere else.

D said...

I have gotten that three times in my life... and during those three times I was pregnant, it always happens the week I find out I am pregnant too.

Okie Bloxhams said...

thats cool, i saw one when i was about 15.