The next morning was the 4th of July. My friend Shay and I were in charge of the 4th of july breakfast at the church so I had to get up and get ready to go set up. Summer and I had made this amazing french toast casserole that was to die for! The breakfast was a fun way to start the holiday for sure. After it was over the men went to shoot bows at the outdoor shooting range while Summer and I drove around, I showed her a little more of Helena. We eventually met up with the guys at the carousel for some ice cream and a few rides. When we got home it was all about the fireworks. Andy even put a firecracker under the chair I was sitting in on the deck trying to scare me! The most popular of all the fireworks were the parachute ones. They were a little scary because the kids would just run after them and not really be looking where they were going! Andy and JD did a great job putting on a show for us that night. It went on and on, but was oh so fun. Eventually when our goods were gone we went onto the back deck and watched all of Helena's fireworks. That is one of the perks of where we live, we can see the whole city, the fireworks were amazing that night, coolest show ever!
We were so sad to see our friends leave the next morning, but we really had the best visit. I am so grateful for them taking the time to come and see us and for the fun they bring here to Montana. My abs always feel sore after a visit with the Hooton's and it's not from a workout but from laughing so hard!! Casserole!!!

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