Monday, December 31, 2012

A random December….

The winter is starting to set in here and lots of things are happening.  Most importantly to Carlee, she is still able to ride.  They have moved to an indoor arena at the fairgrounds, but that doesn't bother her at all.  Porter is doing basketball right now, which somehow I haven't taken pics at the game but we do have his team photo.  The games are so fun to watch!  Marin and Tessa are just keeping me entertained at home.  They are just so excited for Christmas to come.  We had a good visit with Grandpa Matthew and Grandma KayLee.  They took a chance on weather and made the drive up here.  They were able to be here for the kids Christmas programs at school which was so fun.  The Warren school Christmas program is the best one I have ever seen!  Grandpa Matthew helped the kids set up and put on a special nativity performance, the girls were too cute.

We had a wonderful Christmas!  We spent Christmas Eve with my parents and my Uncle Jeff who came from Utah and he made my Grandma Pat's spaghetti with sausage and meatballs.  Then Christmas morning my parents came over again to open presents and to be a part of all of the happenings.  The the most amazing thing happened!  We were skyping with Andy's family in Utah and the then the kids started to freak out that they were talking to Caleb.  Little did I know that Caleb was in our basement!  Lauren and Caleb had made the drive on Christmas to surprise us!!!  I couldn't believe I was seeing them!!  Of course the thing I was worried about was the Christmas mess!  We had such a nice visit with them.  Andy and Caleb pulled the kids around on the 4-wheelers we were borrowing from friends.  We played games and of course we laughed a ton.  The visit wasn't long enough, but I was so grateful for the time we had with them and the effort they made, on CHRISTMAS DAY, to come see us.

We ended the year with an 11 year anniversary for Andy and I.  We had a nice dinner and a movie date out.  New Years Eve was pretty uneventful as Andy worked and the kids and I stayed in and had a slumber party in the basement.

Looking back, 2012 was an amazing year.

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