Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The hunt for the tree begins….

I love that we have this tradition of going to cut down our own tree.  The kids love it and it is so fun to be outside trying to find the perfect tree.  This year we were able to go with our friends the Christensen't and the Beecher's.  We all drove up together and brought doughnuts and hot cocoa for after!  All of the kids had a blast exploring the mountain, finding walking sticks,  and "accidentally" stepping in the river.  Jack took a liking too Tessa and stuck with her everywhere she went.  Even Molly had a good time.  Eventually the men went off over the top of the mountain to find the tree while us ladies hung back and played with the kids.  Of course Andy found and cut down the biggest tree on the mountain….but it was pretty, I will give him that.  The funniest thing though was when we were trying to load Andy's tree in the truck, it was so long and huge it barely fit.  Poor Molly almost didn't make it home with us.

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