Monday, May 16, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away, no SERIOUSLY GO AWAY!

We have had some serious non-stop rain, and it is very annoying. I know I am not the only person that wishes that spring would really be spring. At least we have had a few good days here and there. Anyway a few weeks ago it rained crazy downpour rain for 5 days straight and proved to be too much for the drain in the backyard. Luckily I have a wonderful neighbor who we call Grandpa John who was out there trying to help us out before Andy was able to get home and work on the drain (which my man is amazing with his drain building abilities.) We had to go to Lowe's for a few things that night, and I was amazed at all of the flooding. We are so blessed to have not flooded in our home.

5-16-2011 002
Porter and Molly examing the damages.

5-16-2011 003
Too much water.


Coil Fam said...

I'm surprised Porter didn't get out his fishing pole. Seriously glad you didn't have floating storage bins in the basement. Whew!

Lauralee said...

That is crazy! I didn't realize it was so bad. Living on the second floor of an apt has a few perks, I guess.