There are two very cool things here near the Cleve that I am going to miss so much when we move. One, is the LENSC that is less than a mile from my house and is free! Two, is the Avon Lake library exploration area, which is also free. My kids love going to both places and running around checking things out. We have had such good weather this month, and luckily when the kids had a Monday off of school, we had sunshine, so we headed to the Nature Center. It is fun to see the turtles, fish, snakes, skunks, deer, etc.
The kids.
Just the boys.
Porter and JP found a Lego book and that was it for them.
Now onto the Avon Lake library....
They really have the coolest toys ever. Here they are playing with the Robot transformers that are letters.
Tessa May doing her thing.
LOVE this picture of Marin, she is so darn cute.
This is Marin's friend Grant, they share the same birthday.
Marin and Truman
Wes and Carlee and their creation, they were so proud.
I was lucky enough to get to go into Carlee's class for the 100th day celebration. I love when I walk in the room, she just clings to me, it makes me feel so loved.
Here we are playing a dice game together. Everything this day was about 100 and I think here we had to roll the dice enough to cross off 100 tally marks.
Here we are making a fruit loop necklace, being sure we had 100 exactly.
I had no idea how excited Carlee would be for the Girl Scout Father Daughter Dance. She was so into getting all dressed up, wearing my jewlery, putting on my makeup and perfume, and having her hair curled. I know when we were all done getting her ready she truly felt beautiful.
Here she is next to her fish that she colored for the decorations at the dance.
Here are Andy and Carlee taking a break to have some treats.
Andy said the dance was really fun. He did say he was a little surprised by the lack of dancing by some of the dad's, but not by Andy, I know he was out there shaking his groove thing. Towards the end of the night he gave Carlee the choice of spending money on the raffle tickets, or going to get ice cream....she chose ice cream. He said when they got to the ice cream place Carlee suggested that they sit in the car and talk instead of sitting inside the ice cream place. I thought that was so cute! I am so happy that they were able to go together and to have this special time together, it meant so much to Carlee.
It is the weirdest thing ever to have a child that is 8 years old, I mean, that is old!
To celebrate Porter's 8th birthday he asked for a Ninjago party. He asks, and I will deliver. I had my friend make me this amazing invite! She did such a great job!
To start the party off we went to the basement where I had hid a bunch of Porter's Lego figures all over the room. That was a little crazy but very fun for the boys.
Here the boys (and Carlee) are after finding all of the figures and they each got Ninja headbands.
After more craziness we decided to get down to business and have some pizza. I saw on some one's blog how to make yellow plates look like Lego heads.
It was so easy and literally took 5 min and the boys all thought it was cool!
More crazy fun.
Getting ready to start one of the games Andy made up. It was the coolest games. He took apart two Ninjago figures and put all of the pieces in balloons. So there were two sets of balloons, one per team, and the teams had to take turns popping their balloons, and put their Ninjago figure back together. Whoever got their figure back together first, won! The boys loved it!
Then we had a little present action.
Then it was time for cake. I loved giving Porter this sweet Ninjago alarm clock, he had no idea he was going to get that and it made a great cake topper!
Porter checking out the back of the clock, he thought it was cool that it had an alarm.
This was Marin during the party, just chillin' on the floor with her cake and a juice box.
Our last game was trying to create our own Lego creation. Each kids got a present of Lego's and then Andy timed them to add it to the previous person's creation as fast as they could. I was surprised at how into this they were.
All the boys with our final creation!
Overall the party was great. I am so grateful that Andy was here, the boys were so loud, my voice just wasn't cutting it. I loved seeing Porter in his element with all of the boys. The phrase "BOYS WILL BE BOYS" is so true, they are so different than girls.
Porter, I just want you to know how much I love you. You are such a wonderful person, you are so sweet to your sisters, you have a tender heart and it shows in all that you do. I love that you are figuring out who you are, I love that you love basketball, football, and soccer. I love that you are always willing to try new things and that you just make the best of every situation. You are a great example to everyone around you. Happy Birthday bud, and of course, KARATE CHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!