Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our last interview....

This last year of residency has been crazy, our minds have been spinning since June 2011. We have been asking ourselves for months where we were going to end up, and I think we finally have the answer! Since last summer Andy has been on the phone with so many hospitals and ER groups, and each conversation brought on many hours of on-line researching on my part, trying to find out if these places could be a long-term fit for our family. The serious stuff happened when we went to Oregon. It was such a beautiful place, great community, wonderful climate, and a great hospital and ER staff. We left there feeling very good and with a contract. We eventually signed, but for some reason, I could not get 100 percent into Oregon, I kept asking myself if I could really live there, but at the same time, I was willing to go wherever and make the best of it.

A few interviews later and a week after we had signed the Oregon contract Andy received an e-mail from a group in Montana that Andy had been in contact with since last summer, but they were not hiring. Well, they had since decided two new docs and they remembered Andy! I will admit that I had some reservation about living in Montana, it is so cold!! But when the thought of living so close to family again came back to mind, I was more open to it. So we started looking more into the community and schools and everything seemed to be just what we were looking for. So we set up the interview and went to Montana. Flying out there was a disaster and we ended up sitting 5 hours in the Detroit airport, but it worked out in the end.

It was so great to see my folks, oh how I have missed them. The interview day was so long, but very informative and fun. We drove around with a realtor, met with the ER group, toured the hospital, met with some wonderful teachers from the school system there, and had a great dinner with some of the ER docs. As soon as we left the dinner we both knew that we wanted to go to Helena. That means we would have to end the contract with Oregon, but they don't want us there if we don't want to be there right. Now we will be on pins and needles until we find out.

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Andy setting up Tessa with some entertainment while we waited for HOURS!

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Tessa snuggling with Grandpa with her new Snow White doll.

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Andy and I before the group dinner.

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At breakfast together.

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At my dad's dealership. Tessa loved "driving" all of the cars.

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At dinner the night before we left at the Madison River pizza company (every time we have been there, we get this booth).

So now it is a waiting game......

***Update, we have been offered the position in Helena!!!!!!! Freaking out and super excited.

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

congratulations! I"m so glad you found something you want--and in Montana no less! Isn't that where Andy always wanted a ranch? So exciting to finally know!!