Monday, June 29, 2009

A broken leg and a broken heart....

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Sunday night Carlee broke her leg....again!!! Same scenario, on the trampoline and tripped. I cannot believe it, this time it is her left leg, so we are two for two. Here we are just two days from going home and she broke her leg!! I am in complete shock.

My heart was breaking as I watched her lay on the x-ray table with her Grandma holding her hand talking about Rainbow Snow, M&M cookies, and painting toe nails. How could this be happening again? I thought we had already put in our time with broken things, but obviously I was wrong.

We had a long night, but Carlee is amazingly brave, only crying when her leg was moved, and all of the rest of the time talking to everyone about the last time she broke her leg on the trampoline, letting everyone know that we go back to Ohio in two days, and she was sure to tell her Aunt Aubrey to "call of her kids" and tell them she broke her leg again.

Me on the other hand, how am I doing? I don't know, good I think, thanks to the support I have here. Between Andy's dad just getting out of the hospital yesterday (yes, he walked in the door, and I was thinking I needed to go out of it and take Car to the ER) and having four procedure's on his kidneys, everyone is pulling together like never before. I think I am just ready to go back to Ohio and get to the orthopedic office, until then she is in a splint while we wait for the swelling to go down.

*this was written Mon 6/29, posted later

Friday, June 26, 2009

In Love....

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I have to share about my wonderful husband that I am

Last week I had one hard day that just beat me up emotionally. The next day I received a surprise package from my hubby in Ohio that had a card and one my taste buds favorite treats....Malley's fudge.

It was so sweet and thoughtful and made my heart skip a beat. I feel so lucky to have Andy in my life. He has supported me in ways I never knew and it is because of his love and support that I am where I am today.

I love you Andy. Thank you for being the best man I know.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sneaking in a comment for Shay

Kaylee posting here...

So, finally, everything is right in the world again. Shay and the kids are back within hugging range and the girls are all laughing and talking constantly. I just want Shay to know she is LOVED by all of us. Thank you for packing suitcases and bringing THREE kids on the plane ALONE to be with US. Yep, we LOVE you.

PS We MISS you you, mom

I don't even know the date....

So many things have been happening since I have been here in Utah and we are having so much fun. Here are some pictures of what we have been up to.

The kids have loved being on the neighbors trampoline.

Playing in the front yard swing.

Grandma Great finished another yo-yo quilt.

Finding baby quail.

Visiting with Grandma Pat.

Going to the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house.

Porter's favorite part about the temple was the swimming pool where you get baptized.

Kay Lee and the kids and I in front of the new temple.

My dad and my kids.

Nana and Tessa.

The new biggest part of my life in finding my family history, that will come in a later post.

Playing with Grandma's hose.

Carlee running for her life.

Cameron checking himself out and giving himself kisses.

Tessa and her new tongue trick.

I feel like there are so many things I want to say about my trip and the things we have done and the things that I have learned in my short time here, but I don't know how to say it. I have learned how precious time really is. When I went to see my Grandma Pat she has aged in every way, and I asked myself where my Grandma was even though she was sitting in front of me the whole time. All of the cousins have changed, everyone is getting older, and becoming their own person, like 10 year old Madison who just makes her own lunch and does her own hair. Going to the temple made me realize even more how important families are. The whole time we were there my heart just ached for my dad to be there. He has said many times how he wanted to go in the temple to see what we do, and here was the opportunity for him to walk in any room of the temple he wanted and he was not able to come. It was neat for me to walk through with my children, nieces, and nephews, and know that one day they would be married there too. Seeing my dad and step-mom for 2 hours was another smack in the face of the reality of time. They were here moving her parents into an assisted living complex and only had a few hours to visit, but they got to see Porter, Carlee, and Tessa and I got to give them a hug and that is all that matters. Being here in Utah has given me the opportunity to go to Salt Lake City to the Family History Library and search more about my ancestors. I now know that my great great great grandfather came here from Russia and our last name used to be Kazatsky, HELLO!!!! It is so neat to know where I came from, it's about time. I am just so grateful to be here spending time with the people who I love and who mean so much to me. Without their love and support I don't know who I would be.

On another note, this is my 100th blog post. I will be sending a little surprise to those who comment on your own personal favorite post that I have posted. So comment and let me know what your favorite post is!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My life would suck without you....

My sister-in-laws are the best and got me a ticket to the Kelly Clarkson concert. It was so much fun to have all the girls in the fam together. Kelly Clarkson amazed me with her voice and her cute and charming personality.

It was so fun to be at a concert again, it has been a few years for me. I used to go to concerts all of the time. There is nothing like being outdoors with people that you love having music blasting, and being able to sing as loud as you can and not having to worry that the person next to you can hear your terrible singing voice, it's the best! We totally and completely let go, waving our hands in the air, dancing, and singing what we thought was the lyrics at each other. The best moment of the night was the very last song. Aub, Erin, and La La came up to join D and I while she started singing My Life Would Suck without you and we were all jumping and holding hands. It was once of those moments that I will never forget(along with the rain and the double rainbow.)

Thanks girls for a great night, I love you all so much. You are the best sisters in the whole world.







Some of my favorites on the new album are.....
All I ever Wanted
Already Gone
Save You

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Home again....

Today the kids and I were at the airport at 6:30 a.m. to go back to Utah for a trip home after one year (almost to date). We have such a wonderful and warm welcome and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family that loves us. We drove up to a house that had the most wonderful yard decorations that included all of the things that Grandpa thinks that we should do while we are here. There were wet suits hanging on a line, a tent set up, the blow up Halloween witch (we may be having a Halloween party), the Merry Christmas light up sign, the kayak paddles, and many more fun things. In just the few short hours we have been here we have already played hours of games, been to the neighbors to play, gone to fly a kite (thanks Grandpa), and a huge family dinner of great taco salad (of course Andy style with Doritos), and just enjoyed each others company. Thanks for such a great welcome, we are so happy to be home again.





Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A night by the pit....

Last night we had some friends over to BBQ and do smores. I still cannot believe how much we have used the fire pit that Andy's sister's got us for his graduation, I love it. It provides for us more opportunities to be together and enjoy the outdoors. I think one of the most important things about the pit is that I am able to have a smore whenever I want (maybe that is why I cannot loose the baby weight). Anyway, it was a great night--friends, food, kids running around, babies eating grass and their first marshmallow.

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It ended on a nauseas note....

On Saturday some friends and I went to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. It was amazing and not what I was expecting at all. I think Cedar Point has more roller coasters than any other amusement park and some of the largest. I have never been so scared in my life. Every ride I went on scared me and I said that I could not do it. But thanks to the encouragement of my friends I did them all, even though I felt like I was going to hurl at the end of the day and well into the next.

I think this is the one that did me in.